My thoughts on Episode 3

I love the episode. My favorite story this time was actually Mira's. Her story is very intense and I feel the constant paranoia of playing the Game of Thrones. My least favorite is Asher, although I still enjoyed it.

Mira's story is really intense with the intrigue in King's Landing. Her favor with Margeary is broken and thus destroys her power. I truly feel like playing the game and have to find ways to keep in power and built alliances with witty words.

Gared is a true badass in this episode. He show that bastard Britt that he is no simple Farm Boy, but a warrior who fought for the North during the war. Despite the fact that I had Gared leave Britt, I still felt satisfaction of not killing him out of revenge but out of self-defense. Also, I feel so conflicted regarding being loyal to the Night's Watch or to the Forresters.

Rodrik's story is intense. He is constantly getting beaten and mocked by the Whitehills. I didn't have Rodrik getting into temptation of fighting back, but submit and abide his time before striking back. Another reason why I had Rodrik submitting to Gryff was out of fear for Talia. Once again, I feel very protective toward her and I don't want to see anything happen to her. Next time, I will have Rodrik standing up to Gryff.

Asher's story is at of an adventure. But it suffers somewhat with his lack of screentime. At least we get a scene where he faces off with a Dragon, which is rather impressive. I am still interested in his story and I hope he gets more screentime in the next episode.

Overall, a great episode in my opinion. Now I need Tales From the Borderlands to give me some laughs and positive feelings.


  • This episode was the best. The story really moved forward. It was finally confirmed there is a traitor among us. And Rodrik's story was the best. Really the "getting up" scene was so intense. I was really moved when peasants helped him get up and followed to the house. (I have to admit I didn't like Rodrik first and this whole comeback but after this scene and his monologue he is my 3rd favorite character after Royland and Elissa).

  • I initially wasn't thrilled at the idea of him being alive and coming back. But his crippled states makes him relatable, his iron spirit and good voice acting by his voice actor secured him as one of my favorite character of the story.

    I am glad that you consider Elissa as one of your favorite character. I don't see why some people hate her. She is a mother who struggles to stay strong after the death of her son and husband along with the Whitehills occupying Ironrath. If anything, I want an option where I can at least give her a hug.

    I wonder who the traitor is. It would be far to obvious if it happen to be the Maester.

    GF1115 posted: »

    This episode was the best. The story really moved forward. It was finally confirmed there is a traitor among us. And Rodrik's story was the

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