How would you deal with Whitehills?



  • The old 'Rains of Castamere' will be needed. Completely destroying their house and castle.

  • Kill them in their sleep, assassin style. Spare Gwyn probably... any maybe some other people depending on their history.

  • This would give me much satisfaction; the Whitehill name completely snuffed out. Mercy and forgiveness are just more loose ends in Westeros.

    Rodrik: "Let Ashers mercs pillage their lands as pay and then execute them all" Gwyn: "You promised" Rodrik ".... Starting with her"

  • Execute Ludd and Gryff. Send the rest of the family to the Night's Watch. Not sure what I'd do with Gwyn.

  • The Whitehills are still bannermen of House Bolton, so I don't think killing all of them is an option (unless Lord Whitehill really overstepped by taking all the ironwood). I think the best option is to have Asher marry Gwynn (assuming they both survive), since it would join the houses and hopefully lead to long-term peace.

  • take every Whitehill and burn them with Ironwood, force Gwyn to marry Asher. In turn, force Asher to move into Highpoint and form a cadet branch, the house Forrester of Highpoint. But when the wedding night comes, Rodrik gives her the first night. Make Asher plant Ironwood seeds. Turn back on your betrothal to Elaena and marry a Glover/Mormont. Finally, die as an old, bitter man.

  • I think we'll meet some nice Whitehiils next episode. Gwyn can't be the sole saving grace of that family.

  • Get rid of all the male heirs to the Whitehill name and then marry Gwyn or another daughter to Asher. He would be Lord of Highpoint and the whitehill army would be oathbound to him and Rodrick. And Possibly have a marriage contract between Ryon and another daughter. Not destroy Highpoint though. Might be valuable as another area In case Ironrath were to ever fall.

  • Well you basically just eradicated the whitehills by killing Ludd and all his sons so no real peace there.

    Spare any willing to make peace (so basically Ludd, Gryff, and the other sons/brothers will have to die) with the Forresters and then marry Gwyn and Asher to ensure the peace.

  • Yeah lol so there's hardly gonna be any chance of peace. Gwyn is dreaming of something that is most likely never gonna happen

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Well you basically just eradicated the whitehills by killing Ludd and all his sons so no real peace there.

  • Take Ludd and Gryff out and give the Whitehell's house to any putschish uncle who'd swear allegiance to me.

    Flog61 posted: »

    If possible, ally with them.

  • Make Gwyn Asher's wife (or Rodrik's for that matter, if Elaena bails out on you) and boom you're lord of both houses.

    Yeah lol so there's hardly gonna be any chance of peace. Gwyn is dreaming of something that is most likely never gonna happen

  • Wouldn't Lord Whitehill and his eldest living son still have the better claim...?

    SanQae posted: »

    Make Gwyn Asher's wife (or Rodrik's for that matter, if Elaena bails out on you) and boom you're lord of both houses.

  • Not if he has an accident. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Wouldn't Lord Whitehill and his eldest living son still have the better claim...?

  • Kill them all down to the newborn babes including Gwyn. I feel that even if we do marry her off to Asher there is a possibility that she'll go mad and kill everyone in house Forrester as revenge. There is no chance for peace. Who's to say that 20-40 years later this situation won't arise again. I don't chain myself to a house without honor. The Forresters will claim Highpoint and house Whitehill will be obliterated.

  • edited March 2015

    Alt text

    holy fuck this was a nightmare to make.

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