Mira is the hardest character to play

Sera, Tom and the new Whitehill guy are gonna tear her apart! T_T
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Sera, Tom and the new Whitehill guy are gonna tear her apart! T_T
I find Rodrik harder because you're put in the conflict of either possibly angering the Whitehills further or submitting to them, making yourself look weak.
At least they won't kill him if he obeys them.
No but Ramsay Snow might. You can bend the knee, welcome him into the Great Hall, and allow him to basically give your Ironwood to the Whitehills and he still kills Ethan, what's to stop him from doing the same to Rodrik.
He'll be expecting it.
I agree. Obey Margaery/disobey Margaery, toss the knife/keep the knife, burn the decree/keep the decree. Every single choice felt SO wrong.
I feel like both Mira and Rodrik's parts are the hardest to play in their own right. Gerad and Asher seem to be in their own little world where, even though their decisions are important, it feels somewhat isolated. I haven't felt like I've had to make big decisions with Gerad (I think that's his name) until the end of episode three and probably won't have to make another until after he goest past the wall. Asher is completely insulated to me mainly because he seems to be moving too slow for anything he accomplishes to help, it's a long way back to Ironwrath. Mira and Rodrik are both surrounded by higher powers who could easily toss them aside if they felt like it, and their parts rely heavily on making big decisions, creating alliances/good relationships, and appeasing everyone all while trying to achieve their personal gains.
Mira is the most difficult to figure out.
I'd say Rodrik's is the most difficult emotionally. You have to balance pride and pragmatism A LOT. People don't like taking a hit to their pride, even if it might be beneficial.
Mira is certainly the hardest one, because she is really the one in the middle of all the politics. Though I say Rodrik is a close second, especially the way I play him. Keep your pride yet don't aggravate the Whitehills.