
I know this wouldn't happen, because it wouldn't make a lot of sense, but it'd still be cool.

Mira is walking in the gardens and overhears Sera talking to someone. She hides behind a tree and eavesdrops. Sera is talking to Olenna Tyrell, Margaery's grandmother. Olenna is the one who looked after Sera, hid the fact that she was a bastard, and made her a handmaiden, so Sera owes her big time. It turns out from their discussion, that Sera's persona is all an act. It was actually her that was supposed to slip the poison into Joffrey's wine, which is the real reason why she needed to be up on the royal platform with Margaery. Cersei changing that last minute meant Olenna had to do it instead, which put them at risk. Now Mira knows who killed Joffrey, that's a major bargaining chip, and the stakes are raised significantly. The positive is that Mira now has sway over the Tyrells and can force them to help protect her family. The negative is that the Tyrells might try to kill her.


  • Very interesting idea.

  • edited March 2015

    Interesting idea though I'm sure it's not gonna happen.

  • yeah, I don't think Diana Rigg would reprise her roll. It just seems out of place.

    Interesting idea though I'm sure it's not gonna happen.

  • Well she is gonna be in Season 5 of the show I don't think that her coming back is the biggest problem with this idea.

    yeah, I don't think Diana Rigg would reprise her roll. It just seems out of place.

  • The negative is that the Tyrells might try to kill her.

    lol, 'might'

    She'd be so dead

  • I don't know. I'd like to think the Tyrells aren't as bloodthirsty or open to straight out murder as the Lannisters. They're manipulative, and Olenna killed Joffrey because he was a nightmare and it needed to be done. But I think if there was another option with Mira they'd seriously consider it.

    The negative is that the Tyrells might try to kill her. lol, 'might' She'd be so dead

  • I don't think Olenna is gambling about shit when it's regicide on the line. Mira would be flower food in no time.

    I don't know. I'd like to think the Tyrells aren't as bloodthirsty or open to straight out murder as the Lannisters. They're manipulative, a

  • edited March 2015

    So Mira remains undiscovered and no one knows that she knows. Instead of using it as a bargaining chip per se, she proves her loyalty to the crown by telling Cersei, who might dislike House Forrester, but hates the Tyrells more, and because of Joffrey's dead is vulnerable already, so she's more than willing to believe that and find whoever's responsible and make them pay, even if it isn't her little brother.

    Hypothetically speaking, of course.

  • Yeah, well obviously it wouldn't be able to play out that way and stay canon to the show.

    selinahazel posted: »

    So Mira remains undiscovered and no one knows that she knows. Instead of using it as a bargaining chip per se, she proves her loyalty to the

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