Is Finn possibly gay?

This is probably a weird thing to say but I cannot shake this feeling since meeting this character. His first reaction is to brag about all the girls he has had, even when it is not really relevant...he finds some way to bring it into the conversation.

I also get the feeling his reasons for being sent to the wall are not quite what they seem. He also bullies Garrad relentlessly but seems to want his approval too.
Am I the only one who has wondered this? It is a small theory but wondered if I'm the only one?



  • edited March 2015

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  • I dunno, I don't think there's anyway to tell right now IMO or ever unless he outright tells you he is. :P

  • Ginn? Fared? I ship it.

  • I'm kind of waiting for him to say why he really got sent to the wall to be honest. It is his reasons I do not trust. But this is GOT nothing is simple. Unless he ends up being a throwaway character. I hope not. I like gared, Cotter and Finn as a trio.

  • I don't think so. I mean, his "tough guy" behavior is more similar to an act young teenagers pull off to look more intimidating/threatening in an effort to command more respect from their peers.

    As for him bragging about "all the girls he had", this could just as well mean that he's a virgin or, at the very least, lying about the amount of girls, but wants to earn respect/look cooler than others.

    It's just my opinion, though, not in any way a professional evaluation.

  • Maybe add Cotter to the mix... he is a wildling, if you know what I mean. wink nudge nudge

    Rock114 posted: »

    Ginn? Fared? I ship it.

  • Sure, there is to cold to sleep in separate beds anyway.

  • Hahaha. What have I started?

  • GRR, SHIPPERS! (jk)

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  • My OTP is what. shakes hand

    sunfell posted: »

    Hahaha. What have I started?

  • 50 shades of Garfin up next.

    (Not really)

  • Dammit, I read it "farted".

  • edited March 2015

    I also get the feeling his reasons for being sent to the wall are not quite what they seem.

    Forgive my ignorance; would being gay get you sent to the wall?

  • edited March 2015

    Maybe it's about raping a little boy,who knows.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I also get the feeling his reasons for being sent to the wall are not quite what they seem. Forgive my ignorance; would being gay get you sent to the wall?

  • Forgive my ignorance; would being gay get you sent to the wall?

    I don't think so, status and who you are matter more, but it probably does not help if, like Finn you get caught up with someone who has power. Being gay is a threat to lineage - I still think his story about being intimate with some lordlings offspring might be true, I'm just predicting the 'female' part isn't true.

    Course Finn might a whole other complex story we are unaware of.

  • Yes please.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    50 shades of Garfin up next. (Not really)

  • Alt text


    Pipas posted: »

    Yes please.

  • Being gay in Westeros isn't looked upon very well, so there's that too.

    But your idea makes sense.

    Herodriver posted: »

    Maybe it's about raping a little boy,who knows.

  • Nope.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I also get the feeling his reasons for being sent to the wall are not quite what they seem. Forgive my ignorance; would being gay get you sent to the wall?

  • Well, tbh everyone's possibly something until they actually confirm it.

    Looking at it seriously, that never crossed my mind before, but it is very possible. He's always calling people "whores,' and even men.

  • Well, as likely as it is that he raped a little girl.

    Herodriver posted: »

    Maybe it's about raping a little boy,who knows.

  • Or... just bare with me.


    Flog61 posted: »

    Well, as likely as it is that he raped a little girl.

  • Now that you mention it, it is quite possible.


    JazzyTheMan posted: »

    Or... just bare with me. HE'S THE ONE WHO FUCKED A POTATO!

  • Well, I did get a sort of rapey vibe from him. :// Don't know if he's gay though... Probably not. I think Telltale only has had like 2 gay characters EVER. I always assumed the girl-stories he was bragging about were true tbh.

  • 'Rapey' vibe.

    This had me laughing so hard.

    I'm a terrible person.

    Well, I did get a sort of rapey vibe from him. / Don't know if he's gay though... Probably not. I think Telltale only has had like 2 gay characters EVER. I always assumed the girl-stories he was bragging about were true tbh.

  • Yeah, you just keep on laughing, but I was really worried about Gared's ass throughout the entire episode. :P

    'Rapey' vibe. This had me laughing so hard. I'm a terrible person.

  • My fanfiction wasn't though...

    "And Gared looked up into the other man's eye... trembling with strange emotions...."

    Yeah, you just keep on laughing, but I was really worried about Gared's ass throughout the entire episode. :P

  • Sorry, but no, just no.
    Jored all the way.

    JazzyTheMan posted: »

    My fanfiction wasn't though... "And Gared looked up into the other man's eye... trembling with strange emotions...."

  • What? I haven't gotten to the part where Jon saves Gared from a giant and he finds his true feelings while Jon is tending to his wounds... sexilly.

    The Finn part is obviously just to get Jon jealous and interested in Gared.

    ... I am getting tempted to actually write this. It could be my magnum opus.

    Sorry, but no, just no. Jored all the way.

  • "tending to his wounds... sexilly" I actually had to laugh. xD
    You should write it. :P I'd totally read that.

    JazzyTheMan posted: »

    What? I haven't gotten to the part where Jon saves Gared from a giant and he finds his true feelings while Jon is tending to his wounds... s

  • I could see it happening. They get drunk one night while on the run, and then Finn is in utter denial the next morning Greg McConnell-style, until he realizes he might never see Gared again.

  • I'll get to work on it tomorrow and PM it to you. XD

    "tending to his wounds... sexilly" I actually had to laugh. xD You should write it. :P I'd totally read that.


    JazzyTheMan posted: »

    Or... just bare with me. HE'S THE ONE WHO FUCKED A POTATO!

  • Meh. It's a fandom. What kind of fandom would it be without slash shippers?

    Oh, you absolutely have to. :P (btw, I think we're kinda freaking out the normal people on this site)

  • Oh, you absolutely have to. :P
    (btw, I think we're kinda freaking out the normal people on this site)

    JazzyTheMan posted: »

    I'll get to work on it tomorrow and PM it to you. XD

  • Alt text

    I could see it happening. They get drunk one night while on the run, and then Finn is in utter denial the next morning Greg McConnell-style, until he realizes he might never see Gared again.

  • You're absolutely right. What was I even thinking...

    JazzyTheMan posted: »

    Meh. It's a fandom. What kind of fandom would it be without slash shippers?

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