Predictions for Episode 4

So, I was bored and decided to make this discussion. What major events do you think might happen in the next episode? Or if you can't think of anything, what are you hoping to see in the Sons of Winter? Personally,I'm curious to see Jon's reaction to Britt's death.


  • There will be some kind of choice between cotter and Finn. Hopefully not too early on. I wanna learn more about them both.

  • I have no idea when it comes to Mira and Rodrik's scenes. The invitation to Highpoint is something that has me worried though

    But for Gared-

    1. We deal with the consequences of what you did with Britt
    2. Escape the Night's Watch
    3. Meet a White Walker :O

    For Asher -

    1. Talk with Dany
    2. Go do something for her in order for her to be fine with you taking the 100 sellswords

    That's it. I'll try to find a link to the achievements in Episode 4 and make better ones later

  • Cersei will try to get Mira to testify against Tyrion

  • Gared will be threatened with execution and will have to flee the Wall along with Cotter. I think the episode will end with a White Walker encounter.

    Asher will likely either help Dany sack Meereen in return for her sellswords, or else go to try and capture Drogon.

    Rodrik will go to Highpoint where Ludd Whitehill will no doubt fuck him over in some capacity. We'll likely encounter Ryon again. I don't want to believe what's being said about Elaena Glenmore being married to one of the Whitehills, but since she's in the trailer it might happen.

    Mira will likely have scenes with Sera and Morgryn. Judging by the title of Episode 5 she will also probably get in some deep shit by the end of the episode as a cliffhanger.

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