Elaena Glenmore in Episode 4



  • In Elaena's words "If I tell my father this marriage is wise he'll listen" so it is indeed her fathers choice but Elaena believes he'll listen if she says "lets honor the betrohal" whether or not he will listen... we'll see.

    I don't think you understand how marriages work in the Game of Thrones universe or Telltale has misled you. The choice isn't really Elaena's

  • If Mira forged the letter, they'd answer the letter telling how "happy" they're to follow her suggestion. Margaery will find out it was forged, the Glenmores will find out it was forged, everyone's fucked.

  • Yeah, the wedding must happen.

    That's what happened in my playthrough. I think it would be pretty dishonorable of her to go back on her word. The Glenmores already went ba

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