The Traitor and the bag of gold to Kings Landing

I think the traitor of the council is Maester Ortengryn because he acts strangely in episode 3 when the council was in the grove talking about Gryff and I think Ludd Whitehill send some gold to Damien so he can kill Mira and Damien said "You made enemies of the wrong people a handmaiden should know her place.


  • I agree with who the traitor most likely is (since it won't be either sentinel), although I also thought that maybe Lady Forrester is trading information with the Whitehills if they promise to keep Ryon safe, since that's her main goal as of right now. She also says that Rodrik did the right thing if he kisses the ring or steps down to Gryff, which doesn't seem like something she would say unless she knew it were for the better. She tends to contradict herself a little bit by telling her sons that they need to be strong, but then encouraging them to show weakness when the time comes. I just think it's an interesting theory.

    As for Ludd Whitehill, anything is possible when it comes to him. I'm leaning more towards Damien being hired by Cersei now, just because she all of a sudden knew about Tyrion's plans with Mira and up until episode three, Mira had only talked to a limited number of people about it. Plus, Damien was in the room and called Mira's name after she talked to Tyrion, so that would be a logical explanation as to why she knew about their plans.

  • She tells them to be strong, so they will not feel hurt when they have to submit.

    choircorgis posted: »

    I agree with who the traitor most likely is (since it won't be either sentinel), although I also thought that maybe Lady Forrester is tradin

  • Yeah I'm leaning towards Ortengryn as well, on the basis that he suggested giving Ramsay a portion of the house's Ironwood. I thought that was an odd suggestion, given that one of their first priorities is to to preserve everything they have. HOWEVER, I also agree with @choircorgis' theory in regards to the traitor being Lady Forrester. It makes total sense when you think about it and it would provide for a great plot twist. Could you imagine if Rodrick found out it was her and was then forced to choose between letting her stay, banishing her or killing her? Awesome.

  • At Lord Forrester and Ethan's funeral she says, "You must be ready to defend us, Rodrik. Your body may be damaged, but your spirit must be like iron. You let nothing stand in your way. Do you understand? If you have to murder every last Whitehill down to the babes in their beds... No matter what, you must do it."

    But then she openly tells you in front of the Whitehills to kiss the ring and if you submit to the Whitehills again in episode three by not fighting, she tells you that you did the right thing. She said so herself: "You must let nothing stand in your way." If she really believed that, than why would she tell Rodrik that he's doing the right thing by submitting? Yes, she is playing a very political game and that requires her to make difficult choices, but that does not excuse her inconsistency in what she says. I personally don't trust her at all. I think she's very two-faced, and even though her intentions are true when it comes to saving her family, perhaps the methods in doing so are not so true.

    Then again, it's very possible that she is not the traitor and simply panics when it comes to the time to stand up, but something doesn't add up when it comes to her. If it's not that, then there has to be something that isn't right.

    She tells them to be strong, so they will not feel hurt when they have to submit.

  • Not a reason for her to be a traitor.

    choircorgis posted: »

    At Lord Forrester and Ethan's funeral she says, "You must be ready to defend us, Rodrik. Your body may be damaged, but your spirit must be l

  • I'd be all like, "Say goodbye to three of your fingers, mother. Preferably the ones on your writing hand so you don't send any more letters to Lord Whitehill."

    cbell1896 posted: »

    Yeah I'm leaning towards Ortengryn as well, on the basis that he suggested giving Ramsay a portion of the house's Ironwood. I thought that w

  • I don't know who the traitor could be (I have my own suspicions that it's Duncan, but it could go either way), however I think the gold is for far more than just hiring an assassin to kill Mira. Gwyn said it was a large amount of money, and I suspect that when Lord Morgryn started talking about how "the Whitehills are interested in a - " before he was cut off by Joffery's death, he was going to reveal whatever it was they were interested in buying with their gold. If he knew about it, and was going to discuss it with Mira, it probably wouldn't have been anything that would harm her.

  • Maestor is the traitor most likely

  • Dude, I think she'd write with her foot if she had to, if she's as determined as I think she is to save Ryon.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I'd be all like, "Say goodbye to three of your fingers, mother. Preferably the ones on your writing hand so you don't send any more letters to Lord Whitehill."

  • I mean, its either the Maester or Lady Forrester, reason being the Maester seems to be trying to get them to give up everything to the whitehills, while the Lady is the only person you have an option of revealing the traitor too.

  • Dude that's badass!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I'd be all like, "Say goodbye to three of your fingers, mother. Preferably the ones on your writing hand so you don't send any more letters to Lord Whitehill."

  • edited April 2015

    I think the Maester is a good suspect. He has shown no clear loyalty to House Forrester, unlike the other members of the council. It's either him or Lady Forrester imo

    And I think it could be the Whitehills that sent the money to Damien to get Mira killed, but that makes me wonder why he (the merchant) would now want a partnership with her. We need it, so I'm gonna hear him out, but I'm still gonna be on my guard.

  • Alt text

    dfh15 posted: »

    Dude, I think she'd write with her foot if she had to, if she's as determined as I think she is to save Ryon.

  • The Maesters a suspect indeed, but I believe it was Lady Forrester.

    In regards to the gold being sent to Kings Landing...

    I highly doubt Ludd Whitehill sent the gold to have Mira Forrester killed. First of all, the guy is a Lannister guard and I just don't see how the two would be in communication/find it unlikely that someone paid by the Lannisters would carry out the request of a random Whitehill some hundreds of miles away.

    That said, I believe the person the gold is being sent to is Morgryn. He is a Lord who serves the Whitehills and it's fishy that he approached you offering you a deal after you clearly swept his deal with Tyrion out from under his feet, which would undoubtedly anger Ludd. Seems like he's trying to take advantage of you and trick you to somehow benefit the Whitehills.

  • She also says that Rodrik did the right thing if he kisses the ring or steps down to Gryff, which doesn't seem like something she would say unless she knew it were for the better

    She probably knows its for the better because she's experienced at the intrigues of being in a house.

    choircorgis posted: »

    I agree with who the traitor most likely is (since it won't be either sentinel), although I also thought that maybe Lady Forrester is tradin

  • Maybe Cersei is the one who sent the gold to Damien and he try to kill Mira because Cersei is a Lannister and Damien is a Lannister guard so maybe Cersei is trying to kill Mira.

    Ryanoo posted: »

    The Maesters a suspect indeed, but I believe it was Lady Forrester. In regards to the gold being sent to Kings Landing... I highly dou

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