Experiencing save issues - Steam version
Save data from episode 1/2 not appearing anymore when I try to play episode three. To the best of my knowledge they're still in the directory and I haven't touched them otherwise. https://www.sendspace.com/file/qx7qpt
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My apologies, after looking over your Support Tool information, I can't seem to find any save files in your file directory. Can you please clarify if you ever tried uninstalling, or moving/altering any files in any of your file directories before? Also, when did you last play the game with your saves?
Never tried moving or uninstalling anything, just verifying the cache through steam. Last time I played was when the second episode was released, so sometime in early February.
After you played Episode 2 completely for the first time, did you ever play through the episode a second time? Also, can you please clarify if you can find your save files by doing a search on your computer for '_saveslot1_checkpoint1.bundle'? Do you have any files with this naming convention associated with your game?
Found a series of files with that description in User > Documents > Notes > telltale games > Game of Thrones. Had never seen this before. Everything is working great now! Thanks for you help.
You're welcome, I hope you are now able to enjoy the game!