Beskha or Malcolm ?
Who did you choose ? I didn't see a thread made for this yet.
I chose Beskha because Malcolm got a bit injured right before the decision. 'I like her' that was my initial excuse during the decision time tbh, I wonder who would I've chosen if Beskha was the one injured =.=
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I've played twice and picked Malcolm both times...going to pick Beksha next, but family comes first, always.
I choose Beskha because it was 2 Soldiers vs. a Dragon. I mean Malcom was fighting three soldiers before so why was he struggling? But we all know why Telltale did it and of course the conversation after "why did you choose me?" "there was no time" "as if...". Besides that even tho Malcom is family, I feel like Asher and Beskha are like family, too. I don't know how long they've been together but it seems like a long time so I try to be as trusting to her as possible but also consider Malcom. but yeah I don't regret my decision and Malcom understood eventho he had to bring up Gwyn. haha
In my playthruogh i chose beskha because she fought e freaking DRAGON !!! and Malcom jsut some soliders i also like her a bit more then malcom (in the moment) however in the second playtrough i chose malcom and as you come to Khaleesies camp (if you choose malcome) beskha talks to you and says that she will leave after you get the army (atleast thats what i got)
but don't you think after all this time Beskha is more like family than Malcom is? They are blood related yes but to me it seems like Beskha has been Asher's family all this time they've been together and Asher is her family. I am not trying to throw hate just saying plus choosing between those two was typical telltale anyway. why couldn't we choose between Tazal and Malcom? Easier decision haha
In the end there are logical arguments for both characters in my opinion 
I believe if you save Malcolm and you respond to Beskha with "Malcolm is family" Beskha replies "four years I've been fighting by your side... I thought we were family"
oh really? thanks. that just confirms it for me. I mean it would be logical to save both but in a moment where you HAVE to save one, I just thought Beskha was more logical to me.
Malcolm because he's family.
I chose Malcolm. Family first. My House needs me, more than Beskha needs me and from the look of things her past is going to cause trouble.
Beshka because in my eyes family isn´t just blood but also who you choose to be your family. And as far as I´m concerned, she counts.
Aaaand I like Beshka way more.
Was a hard choice for sure, but I went with Malcolm in the end. Asher mentions that Malcolm pretty much raised him and was like a father to him, so that sealed the deal for me. Plus consider the fact that Malcolm was injured and surrounded by two hardened killers, Beshka on the other hand is capable of handling herself and there's no way I can help her further against a dragon. Sure I like her as well and she's a good friend, especially considering she decided to accompany you all the way back to Westeros. However, when it came down to it I felt like Malcolm (who is also older) needed my help more.
Yep, pretty much this.
I choose Beshka, I felt like Malcom could handle himself. I was biting my nails though in those moments after, was so happy that neither one died. Also, I figure I need to keep Beshka loyal, and saving her is one tool for keeping her loyal to me, where as Malcom is pretty much oath-bound to be loyal and help me.
Beshka, she was fighting against a dragon. I got the immpression that Beshka and Asher always help each other while one of them have any trouble during fight. What happens if you choose Malcolm?
If you choose Malcolm, Beskha gets her arm burnt.
I guess the dragon wasn't hungry.
Beshka, because I am playing Asher as I perceive him and I perceive him as a badass who would do anything to save Beshka because she was there for him when his family was not. So, I am kind of playing Asher as he doesn't necessarily hate his family, but he is bitter about them banishing him.
Maybe it was just cooking its meal first though
If I'm not wrong, Asher mentioned during a conversation in episode 3 that Malcolm and him were really close, more than he was to his father, Gregor (so the conflicts between Asher and Gregor were frecuent before Asher was exiled).
That's why I believe that Asher is not angry at Malcolm or other members of his family but Gregor.
I understand both characters, Malcolm has been there for Asher for a long time, but Beskha has been taking care of him since he was exiled and had no one.
yeah no I totally agree with you. I don't think he is angry at anyone. When I started playing I choose all the options that family is important and that he would like to return as well but I also include Beskah as family as well
but yeah toally agree 
Well, I know that Beskha is a real friend to Asher(I know that she probably saved his live more than once), but both times that I've played, I've chosen Malcolm and if I play one more time, I will choose him again. Malcolm is a member of the family after all. Plus, it's obviously that Malcolm wants Asher back to the Ironrath.I want him back too, so.. Anyway, family comes first.
Malcolm. I thought Daenerys would be nicer if I fed her dragon.
Yea, if Malcom really was his pseudo-father, that just makes him worse than the rest of the family. He didn't have a thing to say to Asher for four years until he pops up wanting him to drop everything to come save the family? All Beshka wants from me is to keep my sword sharp, and maybe have booze handy.
Well, Asher seems to like them equally, he spent 4 years with Beska and they helped eachother and ge grew up with Malcolm who raised him... As for me as a player, I got to know Beska and Malcolm within the equal amount of time, and during that time ive liked and prefered Malcolm... Not that I hate Beska but I like malcolm more.
I chose Beshka since she was fu***** facing a dragon.. but I know there will come the time when I will have to choose only one and for good..
On next episode sneak peek it seems Beshka is getting ill or something and I know I'll have to choose Malcolm over her
Malcolm. I felt bad about it afterwards (don't regret it though), yet I think Malcolm can still help House Forrester more
I chose Malcolm because there was a clear chance to save him and he is family to Asher. I felt if Beskha was cornered against a dragon she would either be very lucky and dodge or die, a "distraction" didn't cross through my mind.
Yet a better question, if we have to once again pick between one of the two, (might not even be a death situation, but about loyalty) will you stay consistent with your first pick again or "go" with the other option?
It was a very easy choice for me to make.
I saved Malcolm for 5 reasons:
1.) He is family. Although Beshka is a good friend, Asher has only known her for what, 2 years? He has probably known Malcolm since birth and grew up with him in his life.
2.) Although Malcolm isn't himself a Forrester, his brother-in-law was one. He is connected to the House an loyal to them, and they need any ally they can get. Two family members have died already- no need to risk another life lost.
3.) Although I do trust Beskha (to an extent), I think Malcolm would be more loyal to Asher if it came down to it,
4.) Rescuing someone from soldiers is easier than rescuing someone from a goddamn dragon. It was more likely for Malcolm to come out alive than Beshka.
5.) I think Beshka really handles herself well. We got ample evidence of this back in the opening scene. We don't know too much about Malcolm's fighting prowess. Beshka also seems to be younger than Malcolm.
I always choose Malcom even though I feel extremely bad about leaving Beshka facing the dragon. Family can't be replaced.
I always choose Beskha. I really like her and feel that she is more family to Asher than Malcolm considering what they went through. She was with him for a long time and secretly, I kind of hope to see them as a couple. I know it's probably a pretty long shot, but I think they would make a really good match.
Yes! I'm glad someone else feels this way I want them to be together too but because they call each other brother and sister I worry it won't happen.
That brother and sister thing kind of bugs my too but I still hope. I always try to be the best I can to Beskha if any romantic involvement were to happen. I'll keep my fingers crossed!
Beshka. She put her life on the line for Asher. I view Asher as someone honorable and he wouldn't put selfish reasons ahead of his honor; Beshka was there when his family wasn't; she saved Asher's life many times according to him. It's only fair Asher puts her first if he has any honor.
Think about this: Would Beshka prioritize anyone's life over Asher? Nope. So shouldn't Asher.
Had to go for Beshka: she's been with you from the start, can be completely relied on and, obviously, was fighting a DRAGON. Malcolm should've been able to handle himself.
Unpopular Opinion time! I chose Malcolm because I don't like Beshka. At all.
I chose Malcolm, purely because I was sure Beshka was more than tough enough to make it on her own (and she does get less injured than Malcolm if you don't pick her, so I guess I was right).
Besides, even though Drogon is a flying beast of death, he's still pretty small and had restricted space. Unless you get caught in his cone of flames, you'll make it. Two Lost Legionnaires taking shots and a wounded middle-aged man were gonna be a lot more accurate, AND more dangerous. If Beshka had been the one surrounded by swordsmen and Malcolm had been fighting off Drogon, I'd have gone for Beshka.
And he was able to handle himself, but then he gets burned by the dragon
Beshka. Hands down. Like hell I was little my bro get eaten by a dragon; and honestly, family doesn't end at blood.
Beskha because she has my back and had it for awhile. Blood does not always mean family.
Beskha. But I'm playing Ash in a way that he has a bit of a strange crush on her built up from their life together, and all the times they saved each others lives.
Lest for now. We may later find out that Asher is just as crazy and backstabbing as the rest of the people in this universe though, and doesn't have any feelings for her or anyone else.