Incoherences in timeline

It's stated than Gregor Forrester married Elissa Branfield at the end of the War of the Usurper (AKA Robert's Rebellion) so not before 283AL, we are currently in the story in 300AL but Asher was exiled for not less than 4 years (If we assume he had know Beskha from day one) when he was 17. That means that Asher has 21 (if not more) and Asher is not even the first child. Don't tell me it is following the timeline of the show in the first season it has been 17 years since Bob's Rebellion.


  • Yeah telltale did get it wrong, but they have updated the codex in game, which fixes the problem.

  • And those numbers bother you because...?

  • edited April 2015

    I didn't had a girlfriend in months i got time to waste so why not over thinking every little piece of information in a video game?

    fallandir posted: »

    And those numbers bother you because...?

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