The effort put in this game

I had recently the pleasure of playing TWD S1 and 2 plus Wolf and Game of thrones and I have to say that for now TfB are the game that they put the most effort in, GoT being close second. From the story telling, lines graphics to soundtrack. If it becomes the pattern every episode will get it's on intro song. and it's awesome.
Give me ur thoughts about it


  • Each intro is very fitting to it's universe.

    TWD and TWAU were a bit slower paced and it's intro of "In association with ______, THE WALKING DEAD or THE WOLF AMONG US" was very good and it just fit.

    Playing Tales, it's almost like playing a comedy/action movie and it's very light-hearted in comparison to TWD and TWAU which makes it easy to fit in jokes.

    Obviously with GoT, they took the intro straight from the TV show and it still works very good as well.

    So it's not as much of a matter as which they put the most effort in. It's just that each game is unique and Telltale recognizes that.

  • My point was that this one seemed to be really pimped out in comparison to the rest in my opinion. Even the lines seemd to flow much better than in let's say Wolf where I always had the feeling that it was little stiff

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited April 2015

    Also Rhys is freaking awesome

  • I believe Telltale is following the great amount of effort that was put into the previous Borderlands games. Especially BL2, with it's cinema graphic opening and the hilarious/yet sometimes serious storytelling that Gearbox has done and respectively with what Telltale has been known to do. With all the recent games they've made, Telltale has developed every single one with respects to their original source material.

  • I'm sure the help from Gearbox and 2K helps a lot. But I agree, the work being done on this game is incredible, the first two episodes are probably some of the best Telltale episodes ever made. Credit to all the guys who have written for this game so far, they have done a fantastic job.

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