Where The Story May Be Going WIth Mira

Mira had a lot of crap happen in this episode. Loyalties with Margaery and Sera were tested(which I loved because of how much I was saying "OH CRAP"), the deal with Tyrion went COMPLETELY down under(as most of us knew it would), and this Lord Morgyrn has some kind of interest in making a deal with Mira. Now, in the episode 4 trailer, Mira is caught by Sera talking to the coal boy in Mira's chambers. This is gonna be a big deal. I wonder if this will prompt a big choice. Possibly like throwing Tom under the bus, or screwing over Sera to save our skins. With Margaery, I really hope we can just talk to her and make amends. I like how Sera brags how Mira will be replaced. I hate that girl(even though I treat like a freaking goddess when I talk to her). As for the bad deal with Tyrion, the crown is gonna be all over Mira. Cersei's gonna probably screw us over again(I hate her too). Finally, with that deal with Morgryn, I ALREADY know that is NOT going to work out. Morgryn knows how to play the game, as he openly said to Mira. He wants something out of this, other than getting rich. My thought is that we'll have to steal from the crown, and blame it all on Sera. I CALL IT! What do you guys think? Mira is my favorite character, just because of how her choices are so stressful.


  • edited April 2015

    Out of all the storylines I believe Asher's but especially Mira's are the ones clouded with most doubt and antecipation. I think there might be another Cersei interaction. If Tom or Mira happens I will side with Tom but isn't Sera now in an interesting place as the Queen's top handmaiden? Hmm...

  • I find Tom the most interesting of Mira's associates. Knowing him has been very beneficial and he has helped out a lot. But I just can't bring myself to trust him. I want to but someone helping out of the goodness of their heart seems so out of character got GOT. I'm waiting for the catch.

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