Will this choice matter? SPOILERS EPISODE 3

In Episode 3 where you kill Britt and Finn witnesses it, do you think that if you Leave Britt instead of kicking him off the wall or making him suffer will have an impact? If you tell Britt you do not want to fight him and say that you can't kill a brother he still persists in attacking you, and then at the end you can leave him alone surely this would be self-defense? However in the 'Next time' it shows Gared running from the Night's Watch. This kinda saddens me because I like the Nights Watch. I think maybe there will be an option to possibly kill Finn in the next episode so he doesn't tell on you?


  • Nope, not at all, it was a plot forced fight and, even if you chose not to kill him, you'll most likely get in trouble either way.

  • He dies no matter what. And yeah, its a plot forced fight so you'll get in trouble anyway,

    Nope, not at all, it was a plot forced fight and, even if you chose not to kill him, you'll most likely get in trouble either way.

  • If Finn was witnessing the fight so early, he most likely would have stepped in to break up the fight. Chances are, he only sees the final part of the fight. Yay for us :/

    TripleDub7 posted: »

    But that's what I mean about the self-defense. Gared can tell him multiple times he doesn't want to fight. Surely Finn would've seen this.

  • But that's what I mean about the self-defense. Gared can tell him multiple times he doesn't want to fight. Surely Finn would've seen this.

    He dies no matter what. And yeah, its a plot forced fight so you'll get in trouble anyway,

  • Yeah true. However, they have no proof that Gared murdered Britt unless Finn lies and says Gared started the whole thing. So that could possibly lead to Gared maybe having the quick time choice of killing Finn or letting him go to tell Frostfinger. Both quite risky but in my gameplay Gared and Finn actually started to become friends.

    If Finn was witnessing the fight so early, he most likely would have stepped in to break up the fight. Chances are, he only sees the final part of the fight. Yay for us

  • "Choices matter"

    Meanwhile at Telltale Games HQ

    Alt text

  • Haha yeah but I seriously think the choices we've made so far will have an impact in the finale

    "Choices matter" Meanwhile at Telltale Games HQ

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