
Maybe im just a dummy, but I seriously didnt fully understand the consequences of this choice (burn or keep the decree) and what would it achieve??? We would keep it to make the deal with Morgryn and get some moneys, right? As much as I dont like the idea of making a deal with the enemy, I dont see what do you get by burning it? I guess to erase links with Tyrion, right? But if she needs to get cash to pay Ashers army then she cant burn it!?!? I dunno... Am i just being a dumb and missing something obvious?


  • Even if you burn the decree, you'll be still be able to work with Morgryn to get money but the decree could end up being very helpful

  • You either burn it for the dramatic effect or you keep it and add it to Mira's funny compilation of suspicious-looking items.

  • I kept it, in case its ever useful I'll have Mira use it, until then I intend to keep it hidden away.

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