Is GoT a great enough game?

I've played TWD and TWAU and even though I haven't been familiar with TWAU to begin with, I could still understand the game by discovering it's own lore through it's gameplay. I'm thinking about getting GoT, but I've never seen the TV show and I'm unfamiliar with it's lore. I'm guessing it will be the same non-fan-friendly aspect that TWAU offered. These questions go mainly to those who have started out the same way I would or can understand where I'm coming from. This discussion is just meant to be informational for me or for anyone else on the fence.

  1. Is GoT easy to comprehend for someone who's never seen the show?

  2. Is GoT as intense and emotional as TWD was (or in it's own way)?

  3. Is GoT going in a great (not overwhelming) direction already within it's third episode that makes it all worth the purchase?


  • edited April 2015
    1. No, not really. The game actually begins at a major point in the third season and third book and expects you to understand certain characters/places. But, in fairness, the game revolves around a family that has little to no impact in the show or the books and that makes it easier for newer fans to pick up but you might find it hard to understand what is going on and who people are.

    2. Very much so. The situation is very dire and every choice you make seems like it could have massive consequences. The Forresters themselves are very interesting and the game has many moments that shock even the most well versed of fans.

    3. From what i've seen, the game seems to have a lot of potential to be very good and by the third episode, the game seems to have really come into it's own.

  • edited April 2015
    1. Nope probably not, for me though this got me into watching the show so I was able to understand it better through that, again just me though.

    2. I'd say much more intense, emotional? Not that much so far but definitely can be found emotional by some I'd say by the end of the season some major feels might be hitting us.

    3. I would say yes, definitely worth the price and is going extremely well so far. If length of episodes were a concern for you back in TWD S2 and TWAU they've definitely stepped it up in that department.

    1. I know people who have played it and are having a fine time with it, despite not having any prior knowledge of the universe. It definitely makes you like and respect the game more though if you've watched the show
    2. In it's own way, yes. I figure it depends on how invested you get in these characters and story
    3. Certainly imo. This is now my favorite Telltale series, it's been a great step up for the company and I've personally very pleased with it.

    So even though it's a matter of personal opinion, I recommend the game 100%. It's a great game alongside with the fact it'll help pass the time till Walking Dead S3 :P

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