Can download episode 3, but not episode 2???

I bought the season pass for Game of Thrones a couple of months ago, but never managed to download episode 2 (ep1 works fine).
I thought it was my tablet (Nvidia Shield) that was the problem, but then I suddenly managed to download episode 3!

[More specific information about the problem: I can download 0-4% of episode 2, and then I get "TIMED OUT: timed out connection or waiting for response from server". I press "OK" and try again, because it's telling me it's partially downloaded. It never goes over 4% before the message appears.]

So I'm just wondering what's up with that? I've been waiting for almost two months and I'm becoming quite irritated now.
Did I just throw away my money or is there going to be an update so that I can play episode 2 soon?
Or is this maybe my fault; am I doing something wrong?


  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited April 2015

    What platform are you experiencing this on? I am not Telltale staff, but once you specify, I can move this to the proper Support section where a Telltale Staff member can help you (assuming you have not yet reposted your thread there).

    EDIT: I see you posted this in Support, but not in the Game of Thrones section (which also has subsections for each platform the game is on).

  • I Never Had Any Problems on My Tablet, I think It might be yours, Have you tried Deleting the Season and Redownloading it? That Helped me when TWD Season 2 had problems.

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