What if the traitor...?

edited April 2015 in Game Of Thrones

What if the traitor is Talia? I know, it's most probably not going to be her, mostly because the traitor should be part of the council, but it's still a possibility...


  • Highly doubtful. If I remember correctly, Gwyn said the traitor was sitting on the council

  • Is she biting information into Whitehill soldiers?

  • I like your theory and I too once thought the possibility it could be her. But if you remember Gywn also revealed whatever you planned in episode 3, whether to save Ryon or kick Gryff out. Also, Talia was no where to be seen during that meeting. Plus, she also acts a little naive and idealistic, so I'll rule her out. I think it's either the maester or the mom. But, good theory, though.

  • I don't think so. Talia doesn't seem like the kind of person who would go back on her family without a very good reason, and this doesn't strike me as one.

  • No offense but this is a terribly stupid concept. For one, she wasn't even there when the plan was made regarding whether or not to save Ryon or force the Whitehills out of Ironrath. I think that in itself debunks this entire theory and is common sense if you have any sort of critical thinking ability. Of course there is the possibility that it was mentioned to her prior to the meeting in the forest, but I don't see why she'd need to be in the know as far as their plans and I imagine her family would be trying to keep her as under-stressed as possible, thus they'd most likely not mention any plans of fighting back.

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