Episode 3 choices?

ok so I gotta say, this episode had the hardest choices (all of them)

my choices:

  • I saved Beskha (well she saved my life when we fought the lost legion and I owed her. btw she was fighting against a dragon)
  • I obeyed Margaery and avoided Tyrion (I wanted to show Margaery that I am loyal to her)
  • I walked away from Britt (He was my brother after all)
  • I submitted To Gryff Whitehill (Remembered about Gwyn's advice)
  • I kept the ironwood decree (something tells me this gonna backfire)

other choices:

  • I didn't take the dead man's gold (I didn't search him properly, didn't know about the gold -.-)
  • I worked things out with Finn
  • I decided to save Ryon first
  • I struck the Whitehill solder (it felt good for a moment but I started regreting a bit after)


    • I saved Beskha. I wanted to save Malcom because he's family, but went with Beskha in hopes he'd still stay alive because I figured because of the fact that Malcom's family, he'd be more quick to forgive. I'm glad that I did.
    • I also obeyed Margaery and avoided Tyrion, but I'm a little pissed that it didn't matter in the end.
    • I walked away from Britt but not because I considered him my brother(he'd never be my brother, I wanted to see him die slow) but because it was the right thing to do as a man of the Night's Watch. Glad that he dies anyway.
    • Wanted to submit to Gryff, but he pissed me off too much/I think it's a bad idea to show too much weakness. I kept getting back up, he kept knocking me down, and eventually even his own men kind of scoff at him/cringe at the way he's acting. I think I turned his own men against him slightly and I'm glad I made that decision.
    • I also kept the Ironwood decree. I don't see how it could backfire much other than perhaps Margery finding it. Cersei already knows about you being involved with Tyrion, and a decree stating the crown will buy Forrester Ironwood doesn't link you to Tyrion murdering the king in any way, even if the letter is signed by Tyrion. Furthermore, Morgryn is a Lord that serves the Whitehills, and therefore I don't trust him/plan to make a deal with him anyway.
    1. Saved Malcolm. Family comes before friends
    2. Obeyed Margery
    3. I tortured Britt
    4. Defied Gryff. It felt so good to see him cry
    5. I burned the decree.
    • You and 64.4% of players took the dead man’s gold.
    • You and 37.9% of players saved Beskha.
    • You and 88.9% of players worked things out with Finn.
    • You and 84% of players agreed to break your vows and find the North Grove.
    • You and 66.8% of players decided to save Ryon first.
    • You and 25% of players defied Margaery and spoke to Tyrion.
    • You and 64.7% of players decided not to strike the Whitehill soldier.
    • You and 52.8% of players walked away from Britt.
    • You and 61.1% of players submitted to Gryff Whitehill.
    • You and 31.1% of players burned the Ironwood Decree.
  • edited April 2015
    • You and 49.3% of players saved Malcolm
    • You and 50.1% of players defied Maegaery and spoke to Tyrion
    • You and 67.4% of players walked away from Britt
    • You and 31.5% of players submitted to Gryff Whitehill
    • You and 69.1% of players kept the Ironwood degree

    For some reason my choices for Episode 3 aren't showing up on the website, so I'm going off the categories others have mentioned.

    • Looted the cave
    • Made up with Finn
    • Tried to Expel Gryff
    • Did not agree to break vows
    • Hit the Soldier
  • Main Choices:

    • I saved Malcolm (I like Beshka, but I prefer Malcolm)
    • I defied Margaery and and spoke to Tyrion (It seemed like I may as well, as she was already pretty mad)
    • I kicked Britt off of the wall(He started it, I tried to tell him to go away, so really it was his own fault)
    • I defied Gryff Whitehill (Probably the most satisfying part of the game so far)
    • I burned the ironwood decree (Seemed like the right idea at the time)

    other choices:

    • I took the dead man's gold
    • Finn and I are buddy's now
    • I decided to expel Gryff
    • Agreed to break my vows
    • I punched the Whitehill soldier (Pretty satisfying to see the look on his face)
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