Fanfiction tips.

I started a fanfiction of Wolf Among Us a while ago and I am always open for tips and tricks. I wanted to open a topic where people can post a link to their FanFiction and get measured feedback on how to improve, what they can do better and what not.

Here's mine called A Writer's Fairy-tale Very creative I know :^)

What do you guys think? How can I improve? What would be an element that could really improve the story? I have a feeling that I might get stuck and turn hiatus, but I want to be ahead of that.

Shoot away!


  • My english is horrible...

    PLEASE, dont make a romance fanfiction...

  • I am also on as HazzatheMan, I have seen your story but haven't read it unfortunately as when I joined, I wasn't keen on OC characters...

    But now I'm writing a TWAU AU with multiple OC characters!

    I may read your story at some point, it looks good and the amount of reviews, favourites and follows suggests that you must be doing good! :D

  • As a fiction writer myself, I have to disagree with you. Romance fanfics can be really good or really bad, depends on how well people interpret a romance between 2 characters...

    Some BigbyxSnow romances are perfectly portrayed, sometimes in a way that I wish the comics did. But others are not so good, like ones where Snow is like Bigby's master and he is her slave...

    Beetle1 posted: »

    My english is horrible... PLEASE, dont make a romance fanfiction...

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