Episode Appearance

Hi just wondering if anybody knows what day episode 3 was released. I'm trying to estimate when episode 4 will be available, to see if the timeframe for episodes to be released has decreased :)


  • edited April 2015

    March 24! :) (I guess)

  • Episode 4 was already confirmed to come out February 17th 2015


  • So following that if an episode is released 4-6 weeks after the previous, I estimate that episode 4 should be available next week!

  • Nah. I believe it's coming May 26 or something.

    So following that if an episode is released 4-6 weeks after the previous, I estimate that episode 4 should be available next week!

  • Praying for the 12th but I think the 19th is our best hope :(

  • no please just no don't become one of those guys who assume it's coming based on the faq and then when it doesn't they throw a tantrum it probably won't be out for another 2-3 weeks

    So following that if an episode is released 4-6 weeks after the previous, I estimate that episode 4 should be available next week!

  • May 12th seems the safest bet in my opinion.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I believe Telltale takes a 2 week Christmas break, so if we assume that break had anything to do with episode 2, then we can assume Telltale has been going for 7 weeks in between episodes.

  • FAQ is unreliable and considering that it isn't in the Steam database yet I would say May 12th or 19th is a safe bet. Even the 26th isn't that far fetched.... it's gonna be a long wait :(

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