Will (Game of Thrones TV Spoiler!)'s Death Affect Margaery's Behavior Towards You?

So, if you haven't watched Game of Thrones Season 4 yet, do not read on.

I repeat, major spoiler. Do not read on!

So I know that the game kind of spoils it already but one who isn't familiar with the show might not of paid enough attention to really know, so I wanted to put up spoiler alerts. I was wondering, and this might not matter at all, but the last we see of Margaery is just before the Royal Wedding where Joffrey dies. I think a major part of Margaery's "bitchiness" and stress is relative to her being not just trying to appease Cersei, but being afraid due to the Joffrey/Cersei wombo.

That said, I was thinking that perhaps Margaery will be like "Oh, we're good now and yes I can help you." Even in the TV show, when Joffrey dies she seems generally much happier, and of course, a LOT more ballsy when dealing with Cersei.

ALSO, we must consider the fact that almost immediately after the Royal Wedding, Margaery wraps her fingers around King Tommen and basically has a king bending at her will. That raises the question that perhaps the "Ironwood Decree" might actually have some usefulness, as she could present it to King Tommen for you and he'd without question say yes... again, that's IF she decides to be nicer to you, with Joffrey gone.

This is just speculation and just sort of popped into my head as a revelation. Everything said, any of you have thoughts or input on this?


  • I doubt it Margery may be happier but this wont affect her and mira, she doesnt care about her handmaidens (disloyal handmaiden at that) issues shes focused on the game and tommen

  • edited April 2015

    I think she might be more distanced from Mira now that Joffrey's dead. Likely not out of choice, but everyone will be expecting her to mourn over the loss of the king. Mira might be expected to comfort her but she's in a worse position to ask for any help now - especially considering Margaery found out Mira was involved with Tyrion who has just been framed for murdering Joffrey.

  • edited April 2015

    You raise a good point but if anything I feel like she might just distance herself from Mira more right now. Like you said, she's immediately moved on to winning Tommen on her side as well as focusing mainly on the game. Any help we might get from her won't be for awhile, which is why the Whitehill merchant comes into the story I think.

  • I don't think her attitude towards Mira will change unless we do something dramatic to win her over. On the bright side she may be too busy to send Mira home.

  • I think she might have more luck convincing Tommen than Joffery. Tommen seems much more reasonable, although if Cersei were to find out, then Mira's out of luck.

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