What If: Kenny vs Pete - Alternate Finale?

Seriously this guy was the first friendly person towards Clementine, he had an interesting character that could have been better explored, he would have made a better addition to the group than Nick, considering his age he would have stood out better from the other survivors - he should have been more experienced and competent than the others in the group - could have even been a potential father figure to Clementine, this guy had so much potential I'm going to call him Potential Pete.

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But any amazing potential this character could have had was abruptly shelved when somehow the story was supposed to be more engaging and interesting with him dead early and replaced with Nick (whose a lot like Ben... seriously why would you kill off a character with potential like Pete and replace him with another Ben?)

But lets imagine an alternate scenario - in All that Remains its Nick who gets bitten and killed off early (like he pretty much deserved to be) and Pete survives. Then lets imagine all his wasted potential as a character is actually fulfilled, I think he would have made for a great character.
(seriously I hope he's at least given a passing mention in Season 3, I mean Ben, Lilly and Duck were given passing mention in S2, so was Lee...)

Now then what if - Luke still died drowning - and Arvo still shot Clem and got away with him - but Jane is killed at some point perhaps at the middle of the final episode - and then at the final moment when Clem has to choose who to save - what if its a choice between Kenny and Pete?

Me personally had Telltale gone that route I would have saved Pete (obviously), since I never really liked Kenny in Season 1, even though I would have known him for longer I think Pete could have developed into a cabin group survivor who made sense, with whom players could have possibly formed an emotional bond with - really Telltale could have done a lot with his character than simply killing him off...

So in this hypothetical alternate scenario - would you consider choosing Pete (whom in the canon only lasted for about a single episode before being replaced by Nick) or would you choose Kenny?


  • Pete. No contest. I detest Kenny on so many different levels, especially in Season 2.

  • So We Pete, have a Man, Who is completely Calm and Nice, who sees reasons above all. Verses Kenny, A man who is clouded by his judgement, Does not know what's right, and Is basicilly The Anakin Skywalker of the walking dead...

    Tbh, neither would win. Because if Pete was still alive, it would never have come to that.

  • As much as I stuck with Kenny in my playthrough, I would have went with Pete, as he had many of the characteristics Lee had. He was charismatic, funny and intelligent, he really was wasted potential.

    That being said, I think I know why Telltale killed Pete off. They would have been acutely aware of how attached everyone would have been to Lee as we all played as him right to the last scene of season 1. Having someone who spoke, and acted like Lee, everybody would have become attached to uncle Pete, and thus would have had a no contest choice come the end of the season. Come to think of it any choice involving Pete, would have probably had us leaning Pete's way. Just watch how Pete walks, he even walks like Lee, so there were so many things that you could compare Pete to Lee with, I think Telltale realised that, and thought they better ditch him before everyone gets too attached.

    Don't forget TTG want to have divided opinions in their game, not one sided, and that is why I think they chose to kill Pete off early, as I am pretty sure most people will choose Pete over Kenny, even some Kenny fans will most likely. I am sure somewhere in the making of the walking dead video they made with the season 1 game of the year edition copies, they say that they try to make choices as close to 50/50 as they can, and if they are too far to one side they are doing something wrong. That is what I am thinking here.

  • Kenny, i barely knew pete

  • I'd have to go with Kenny, both are awesome characters, but Kenny wins by a slight margin.

  • Spoiler

    TBH honest they could have done more with every character I had a long list of characters that I wanted to see more of and I liked them. Sarah, Carlos, Nick, Luke and Walter. Although with Carlos and Sarah I feel like one of them should have died not both. With the choice between Pete and Kenny it would depend on what was happening I liked Kenny more than Jane but Kenny was killing her so I saved her if the roles were reveresed I would have killed Jane.

  • What if Pete was the one on top guys? Trying to kill Kenny?

  • Pretty much this.

    colgato posted: »

    Kenny, i barely knew pete

  • Then it sucks to be Kenny, because there's no way I'd bust a cap in my bruh Pete.

    What if Pete was the one on top guys? Trying to kill Kenny?

  • I would still pick Kenny, but I would feel much worse about it afterwards.

  • I love Kenny. Dude's my third favorite character in all of TWDG. Pete, for such a tiny amount of screentime that he had, is actually my fourth favorite character in all of TWDG. I'd go with Pete every time. Sorry Kenny, but Fuck You if you think I'd even consider killing Pete for anyone. Had Pete actually had more screentime than he did it's entirely possible he would have been my No. 1 instead of my No. 4.

  • Kenny. Pete was only there for an episode

  • Lol I assumed you would.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Then it sucks to be Kenny, because there's no way I'd bust a cap in my bruh Pete.

  • Obvious Pete

  • Assuming that the situation is the same as the Jane vs Kenny one with Pete replacing Jane, then I'd still easily pick Kenny. I love Uncle Pete, he's in my top favorite season 2 characters and he's up there with the characters overall from both seasons, though.

    If it were like Carley vs Doug then that'd be a lot harder. I'd probably still pick Kenny simply because I knew him longer.

  • I would say Kenny, unless Pete becomes a reeeally compelling character in the remaining season. Pete's cool and he could have been one of the best, but I like Kenny for the shit that he is.

  • I would say it all depends on how Pete grew as a character, but based off what we knew of both of them I would choose Pete.

  • She said if he lived -_-
    Which means episode 1 --> 5

    Clemenem posted: »

    Kenny. Pete was only there for an episode

  • Any character besides Jane at the finale I would have choose. The ending decision wasn't hard at all for me, which kinda stunk. Would have been a very hard choice if it was Pete instead of Jane. Season 2 was wasted potential lol.

  • No shit -_- still don't think we had an idea of what his character would have been

    She said if he lived -_- Which means episode 1 --> 5

  • No shit
    Well you are the one who said he only lived for one episode -_-

    And, I think we got an idea of his character in episode 1.

    Clemenem posted: »

    No shit -_- still don't think we had an idea of what his character would have been

  • Pete v Kenny is absolutely no contest. Pete is obviously the better person to help take care of Clementine and Aj, that's why he's the first one to go. There's history between Kenny and Clementine, but Pete was mentally and emotionally in a better place.

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