Rodrik's Nightmares

edited April 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I've noticed that every episode Rodrik has nightmares about the battle at the twins (a.k.a the red wedding) in ep1 Iron rom Ice.

  1. Ep2 The lost Lords- he hears Gared shout "RODRIK!" In the middle of his surgery.
  2. Ep3 The Sword in the Darkness- He hears swords clashing.

So I'm thinking that eventually all these nightmares will come together and form a whole flashback and we get to see Rodriks perspective of the battle what do you think?

EDIT: you might remember that Gregor didn't know where Rodrik was and asked Gared to look for him if he can maybe we'll see what Rodrik was doing before the battle started.


  • You may remember that Gregor asked Gared to look for Rodrik. "on a night like this men find false courage at the bottom of their cups I'd rather he were here" perhaps we'll see what Rodrik was doing before the battle I mean if he wasn't drinking with the other soldiers then something else must've caught his attention.

  • I've thought about this before, Rodrik could regain consciousness beneath the horse for a moment and see what happens to Bowen and Norren.

  • It's a good thing TT added this, it makes Rodrik feel more human at the very least. It seems the Red Wedding has scared him for life, I wonder if it will play a serious part in his story.

  • I think one thing of posttraumatic stress disorder is a subconscious blockade of certain memories. It could be that he learned something he wasn't supposed to at the Red Wedding and his fear hinders him from regaining the truth. I am intrigued to see wether TTG takes advantage of that psychological curiosity.

  • edited April 2015

    I am glad that Telltale show that Rodrik didn't only suffer physical wounds, but also some post-traumatic stress. It makes Rodrik more interesting. Also, I hope that there is more to it than just simple nightmares.

  • Like others said, I think the fact they are showing the effects of the Red Wedding on Rodrik through a mental aspect (as well as a physical aspect) is really cool. And I think a full flashback in maybe the season finale would definitely be a neat thing to include.

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