Unable to buy $15 dollar multipack (without 400 days episode)

I just finished the first episode of the walking dead and I wanted to buy the rest of the season. When I looked at the "In-App Purchases" page on the App Store, it has the $15 2-5 episode multipack listed, but on the app the only multipack I have the option on purchasing is the $20 one with the 400 days episode. I don't really want to play that episode; I just want to play the first season. It doesn't seem fair to only offer this one pack to people who don't want to play the extra DLC episode, especially when the alternate option is still listed on the App Store. Is there a fix to this? I'm really interested in playing other telltale games, and I want to know that you guys will help with this.


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the inconvenience. After 400 Days was released, the Multi-Pack was updated to include that DLC episode within the package. The $15 Multi-Pack is no longer available as a purchase option, and only shows up in the App Store because it was the #1 most downloaded in-app purchase in that particular app. Please note that the Multi-Pack is $19.99, and downloading Episodes 2-5 individually is $5 each x 4 Episodes, which would in the end equal $20, so you are basically receiving the 400 Days DLC episode for free.

  • Ok that's not a huge problem. I'll just get the pack anyways, the 400 days episode seems worth it. Thanks for the reply!

    I apologize for the inconvenience. After 400 Days was released, the Multi-Pack was updated to include that DLC episode within the package. T

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    You're welcome, enjoy the game!

    TheOman121 posted: »

    Ok that's not a huge problem. I'll just get the pack anyways, the 400 days episode seems worth it. Thanks for the reply!

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