Jon Snow (Book Spoilers)

In the books as book readers know we are all left with a cliff hanger on whether or not Jon Snow is dead. Do you think that scene will happen in season 5? And if so do you think season 5 will spoil the books on if he's actually dead or leave us with the same cliff hanger? I personally think the cliff hanger wouldn't make sense due to the fact I don't think the producers could hide Kit Harrington from us if he was working on season 6.


  • The show is going it's own way in a lot of plots. Who knows what's going to happen. There's a scene with Tyrion and Jorah that I'm not entirely sure is even going to happen anymore.

  • edited May 2015

    "For the watch..." is such a great and iconic scene that they just have to keep it in there. It's going to end like this: Olly (the little kid) will have a big role in it, as we see Jon explaining his reasoning for letting the wildings in to the kid, which he disagrees with. Olly will be the first to stab him, followed by the others (Edd, Thorne), etc. Jon is tied up on a funeral pyre after his "death," then the camera pans to his eyes which open, and we see that his eyes are an icy blue. Cut to black. End of Jon Snow's arc in Season 5.

  • edited May 2015

    If that happens I will quit watching. Olly is bad enough but Doloroous Edd? Why not have Sam take a turn?

    torkahn808 posted: »

    "For the watch..." is such a great and iconic scene that they just have to keep it in there. It's going to end like this: Olly (the little k

  • They wouldn't have Edd stab him. Olly...maybe. Thorne will most likely partake unless he's sent on a ranging beforehand. I think if that happens, Bowen Marsh, who has been cast this season, will play a more prominent role.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    "For the watch..." is such a great and iconic scene that they just have to keep it in there. It's going to end like this: Olly (the little k

  • Who knows? The show is going so off track from the books right now that trying to make predictions based on events in the books is like a shot in the dark.

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