Does anyone else feel this way?

edited May 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Like 69.2% of other players, I chose to "stay down" as Rodrik. During the first option, I stood, but when he began to threaten Talia--and I began to think about the whole situation with Gwyn, about how she'd only help if I kept the peace--I decided to take the Eddard Stark way out, and submit for what seemingly is the greater, more honourable good.

I also chose the plan to save Ryon. Now, since we're visiting Highpoint in episode 4, I expect Gwyn to be true to her word and help in a legitimate, decisive way. Because if it turns out, the situation resolves EXACTLY the same way despite whether you defied Gryff, or submitted to him, then I am undoubtedly restarting episode 3, and re-doing my choice. (Which I'd like to point out, I've never done before).

Does anyone else feel like this?

It's just I hated having to submit SO MUCH, and if I see the choice ends up being meaningless, there's no way I'm keeping with it--and I'm a person who's kept their original Walking Dead and Wolf Among Us save file, and not re-done any of it even once. So, thoughts?


  • I am a roleplayer at heart, I like playing my characters as characters and not as an extension of myself. So when I was in this situation for me, I tried to think what made the most sense for Rodrik, and I chose to stand up to Gryff after all how would my people follow me if I am so pushed around.

    Now my actions could come back to bite me in the ass and that is fine. this is Westeros after all. Still I like acting as that particular character would; it tends to make me pretty happy with my choices.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    This is probably one of the first choices where I didn't choose a passive route, I will not obey a bully.

  • I think choices will really matter only at the end of the season, not the suceeding episode. If you stay down, Gryff abuses his authority because he is overconfident, and if you get up he abuses his authority to prove himself a lord now that his confidence is shot. I stayed-down at first but then I decided that getting-up seemed much better from a narrative stand-point.

  • I just played it safe for once, every other time i had stood up for house forrester (kissing the ring etc) but this time i just thought about what Gywn said about trying to remain passive, but i cant wait to kick whitehill ass when rodrick is healed up a bit more.

  • I hope so, because I promised Gwyn I would keep peace but then stood up and it was an extremely hard choice to make so it better have different results, I really don't care at this point if I've fucked up but I really want my decisions to affect the outcome for better or for worse, because it would seriously suck if you stayed down if they don't.

    Seriously though if I get killed I want to own that because standing up felt fucking awesome.

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