Not choosing Beskha.

edited May 2015 in Game Of Thrones

So if in the opening of Episode 3 if you do not chose to save Beskha is there any way to get her not to talk about leaving Asher after they find their sellsword army? I kinda want her to have a badass burn scar but I really just can't bring myself to brake her hart like that. That scene is just horrible if you saved Malcolm over her....


  • No there's no avoiding it but I think either way she doesn't want to go to Westeros and fears Asher would choose his house over her the harsh reality just hits her hard if Asher saves Malcokm instead of her. I love Beskha!

  • I kinda like them both but I chose Beskha because she was fighting a dragon... And Beskha has enough badass scars, now Malcolm has a sick burnscar!

  • Beshka appeared a lot tougher than Malcom, which is why I let the dragon get her. It makes me sad, too, but it seems she won't go with you to Westeros no matter what you do, so I'd want to make sure the person who IS going with me will be in fighting condition.

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