Best actor/actress in the show

My personal favourite is Alfie Allen (Theon)


  • I don't watch the show, but, IMO, it's Peter Dinklage.

  • Good choice

    Lingvort posted: »

    I don't watch the show, but, IMO, it's Peter Dinklage.

  • Stephen Dillane most definitely. The guy is Stannis and Stannis is him. He got him just perfect.

  • edited May 2015

    Damn! That's pretty hard to say. I think all the actors in the show did a phenomenal job, but the characters they play are for the most part very deep. It's hard to say. Anyway's I'll give it a shot. If I had to give my favorite three, it would probably be Peter Dinklage, Jack Gleeson, and Iwan Rheon. But like I said, every single actor in Game of Thrones did a phenomenal job.

  • edited May 2015

    I think Richard Madden did an excellent job as Robb. Peter Dinklage and Sean Bean were also great.

  • He's definitely up there on the list.

    Hrulj posted: »

    Stephen Dillane most definitely. The guy is Stannis and Stannis is him. He got him just perfect.

  • Charles Dance would have had to have been the best actor on the show while Tywin was still alive. Now, I'd say Iwan Rheon (Ramsay) and Michael McElhatton (Roose) are the best actors on the show, in my opinion. Peter Dinklage is outstanding as well. There's a lot of great actors on the show.

  • Alfie Allen's fantastic, aye. I'd also say Conleth Hill, though I don't know which of the two I'd place first.

  • Peter Dinklage and Charles Dance are amazing.

  • edited May 2015

    Peter Dinklage and Iwan Rheon are the best on the show I think.

  • Mark Addy was a perfect Robbie B

    ranger563 posted: »

    No love for Mark Addy as Robert Baratheon? That dude was amazing. Props also to Jack Gleeson as Joffrey, Peter Dinklage as Tyrion, Alfie

  • edited May 2015

    No love for Mark Addy as Robert Baratheon? That dude was amazing.

    Props also to Jack Gleeson as Joffrey, Peter Dinklage as Tyrion, Alfie Allen as Theon/Reek, Richard Madden as Robb, Maisie Williams as Arya, Conleth Hill as Varys, Rose Leslie as Ygritte, Iwan Rheon as Ramsey, and Rory McCann as the Hound. And Sean Bean was obviously great.

  • The guy who did Hodor. I recently went to one of his DJ shows.

  • I wonder if he has difficulties with learning his lines

    The guy who did Hodor. I recently went to one of his DJ shows.

  • edited May 2015

    Alfie for sure after last night's episode. Damn, that man can act. As for women, I would say Lena Headey, she's perfect as Cersei.

  • Iwan Rheon does an amazing job in my opinion.

  • Iwan Rheon and The Dinkles.

  • Lena Headley. I hate Cersei so much but episodes w/o her lacks something.

  • James Cosmo (Commander Mormont), plus many of those already mentioned. The Old Bear needs more love though.

  • Alphie is great for sure. I would say Lena Headey though, she can do more acting with just her face than a lot of people can with everything at their disposal.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I think that Jack Gleeson plays Joffery really well, he does a good job at making everyone hate him. Like others have said Peter Dinklage is also a really good actor.

    I think most of the actors play their parts really well so it's hard to choose a favourite.

    edited May 2015

    I don't think anyone acts better on that show than Dinkles, but Alphie is also great, especially after the latest episode. Also Peter Vaughan, who plays Maester Aemon, and of course, Lena Headey.

    They're all such a great cast, you can see they were carefully picked.

  • edited May 2015

    Best Actor? ~Toss up between Charles Dance, Jack Gleeson, Iwan Rheon, Alfie Allen, Stephan Dillane and Peter Dinklage

    Best Actress? ~Lena Headey. Hands down. She plays Cersei perfectly.

  • Oh shit, how'd I forget to mention Charles Dance? :L By far the best bit of casting on the show.

    Speaking of people I left out, Nikolaj and Lena are both brilliant as the twins. Feel terrible for leaving Jaime out in particular since he's my favorite character...

  • edited May 2015

    This scene made Jaime one of my top favorite characters of the series and Nikolaj could not have performed better here.

    ranger563 posted: »

    Oh shit, how'd I forget to mention Charles Dance? :L By far the best bit of casting on the show. Speaking of people I left out, Nikolaj a

  • those two do a phenomenal job scaring the shit out of me.

    Charles Dance would have had to have been the best actor on the show while Tywin was still alive. Now, I'd say Iwan Rheon (Ramsay) and Micha

  • well a lot of them are dead.... but i really feel Peter Dinklage is the best, but they are all fantastic.

  • I always thought Sophie Turner doesnt get enough credit for how good she is.

  • I don't know (all of) their names but,
    1.Ramsey: completely steals every scene he is in.
    2. Cersei: it's insane how well she captures her character.
    3. Stannis: Just like the above, every movement he makes, feels like the character.
    4. Theon: His character has had huge development and he's done a great job throughout.
    5. Tywin
    6. Tyrion
    7. Joffrey
    8. Robert
    9. Catelyn
    10. Margeary

  • Id add Davos and Jorah. One thing the show does well is cast great actors.

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    I don't know (all of) their names but, 1.Ramsey: completely steals every scene he is in. 2. Cersei: it's insane how well she captures her

  • Literally there are only a few I really dont like, it would be easier to list them

  • Lena Headey is a standout for me

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned

    He still tried to kill Brandon...that's unforgivable .

    This scene made Jaime one of my top favorite characters of the series and Nikolaj could not have performed better here.

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    There are so many good actors on this show it's hard to pick! One of my favorite unsung actors is Diana Rigg, who plays Olenna Tyrell.

    She's so damn sassy and puts just about everyone in their place so effortlessly that it is a delight to watch her on screen.

  • edited May 2015


    Peter Dinklage

    • he's just amazing in everything he does

    Lena Headey

    • I've seen her in other stuff but nothing memorable. However her as Cersei I love to hate her.

    Aidan Gillen

    • That dude to me steals any scene he's in. He's become my favorite character in the show. He's such a little shit I love it.

    Jack Gleeson

    • OMG I HATED him soooooooo much as Joffrey. He did such an amazing job as that character.

    Maisie Williams

    • She is just so believable to me. Her spunk and personality that comes out in the Arya character. Only thing is I don't think I could see her in anything else until she grows up.

    Iwan Rheon

    • Same as Jack, he does such a good job of making me hate his character. His mannerisms are the best. Just the slight smile and things he does while listening to others talk. He's just sooooooooooo good.

    Sean Bean

    • Just duh.

    I'd like to add a couple that I think are the worst.

    Emilia Clarke

    • I think people like her simply because they think she's hot. She's just so stone like in her performance. There is no emotion and no charisma to her performance and her facial expressions have become a meme they're so bad.

    Sophie Turner

    • This one to be fair I have not seen her in anything else so it might just be my hate of the Sansa character. But if it is indeed the actress that makes the role unbearable to me then she is the worst. She is forgettable in every scene that she's in to me. She's just somebody that happens to be there for me.
  • He's a grey character, which is what I love about him. It shows he's not perfect.

    Cope49 posted: »

    He still tried to kill Brandon...that's unforgivable .

  • edited May 2015

    I will say Alfie Allen as Theon Greyjoy. Really good job.
    I Also adore Lena Headey (Cersei) and Charles Dance (Tywin). Pedro Pascal as Oberyn was superb too.

    But my real favourite was Harry Lloyd as Viserys. Seriously, is impressive what this actor did: He gave Viserys a hole amount of humanity.. to the point that you can feel bad for his character, and maybe understand him a little, something i'm sure does not happen to anyone while reading the novels. One of the few characters that's much better in the Tv show than in the books (In my opinion of course).

    As for the worst actors... Emilia Clarke and Kit Harington are the worst in the whole cast in my opinion... but i have to say that Kit at least is been improving a lot in the last two seasons, while Emilia does not.

  • I think Charles Dance (I think thats his name) did Tywin Lannister perfectly. They're all really talented though, I have to say.

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