I really don't like Fiona. Do you? (EP 3 EDIT)



  • and we're back to you ignoring what I'm saying.

    Aaira posted: »

    Ignoring how the guy stated a couple thousand times that HER GENDER IS NOT THE ISSUE, having preferences between male or female characters is perfectly fucking fine, not "problematic". You're the one making this be about gender, not him.

  • You implied that guy's opinion was biased because the target is female, i said it's bullshit, that's not ignoring what you said, that's disregarding it because there's fucking nothing to prove it.

    Clause posted: »

    and we're back to you ignoring what I'm saying.

  • and the proof that he's not is basically because he said so?

    Aaira posted: »

    You implied that guy's opinion was biased because the target is female, i said it's bullshit, that's not ignoring what you said, that's disregarding it because there's fucking nothing to prove it.

  • are you fucking kidding me

    ever heard of "not guilty until proven otherwise"?

    Clause posted: »

    and the proof that he's not is basically because he said so?

  • Ever heard of not trying to derail an argument while clutching at straws? The proof is in his first damn post. Everything is there plain as day. His problems with Fiona are the same kind of character flaws Rhys has, but he only has a problem with her? Yeah I've said it before and I'll say it again, suspicious as hell. But by all means continue to cherry pick everything here and just continue to twist the conversation because if you personally don't like a character they must be badly written; not, you know, you just don't like them. Either way I'm done arguing.

    Aaira posted: »

    are you fucking kidding me ever heard of "not guilty until proven otherwise"?

  • edited June 2015

    Please feel free to point out where, exactly, i was clutching at straws or derailing the discussion.

    And, for the last time, it is clear as day to YOU, because you (i'm guessing) WANT to see sexism or bias or other "problematic" bullshit in his OP. You do not know if he thinks Rhys has the same character flaws and if he does think they have similar character flaws you do not know wether those flaws are, in his opinion, balanced out by other aspects of Rhys personality that are not present in Fiona and that have nothing to do with cock and balls. Even people who like Fiona said, in this very thread, that those two characters are very well different and have been treated differently by the story, tastes do not work on absolutes, the same character flaw can impact how much you like a character differently depending on the character. I should not even have to say this for fuck's sake.

    tl;dr: "suspicious as hell" my perfectly shaped ass.

    Clause posted: »

    Ever heard of not trying to derail an argument while clutching at straws? The proof is in his first damn post. Everything is there plain as

  • no pls

    Please don't kill me ha

  • That's what I've been guessing as well, after hearing Sasha talk about how much she wants to leave Pandora. Maybe the duo will come very close to gaining enough money to do so, but Rhys screws up their chances, or at least Fiona perceives that to be the case.

    DeityD posted: »

    It's not only about being angry. It's also about acting on it, rather than being passive-agressive like everyone usually expect them to be.

  • Well, if TTG don't plan on changing anything I have no idea where they'll get the money (or where Rhys got the money) because ... and here should be a spoiler about the Vault. Seriously, I don't know how but it looks like they're (well, Rhys at least) are rich...er in the present, but how - that's what gets me. They sold Vaughn and Sasha? :D

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    That's what I've been guessing as well, after hearing Sasha talk about how much she wants to leave Pandora. Maybe the duo will come very clo

  • hopefully no one will

    Piggs posted: »

    no pls

  • I think Rhys and Fiona can both be really fucking funny, but it's pretty clear that Rhys is the bigger and better character. He's got Handsome Jack, he's got style, he's got the funniest gags in the series so far...

    But Fiona has her moments.

  • I actually fucking loved her this episode. See? Maybe making this thread wasn't the worst idea I've had. I mean, I definitely doubt Telltale read this and tweaked the script accordingly, but... this was exactly the kind of change that I wanted, and they did a good job of it. She's goofier, she's suave when she needs to be, and she's weak and awkward when appropriate. And hey, I didn't even mind her voice--the delivery was even pretty funny sometimes. Her flaws make her more relatable, but she's still the Pandoran badass that she's intended to be.

    Dang. Well done, Telltale.

  • Not at all - you expressed an opinion and MAYBE, just maybe, Telltale took that on board.

    Piggs posted: »

    I actually fucking loved her this episode. See? Maybe making this thread wasn't the worst idea I've had. I mean, I definitely doubt Telltale

  • my dad work at telltale lol

    Echopapa posted: »

    Not at all - you expressed an opinion and MAYBE, just maybe, Telltale took that on board.

  • Seriously? As what?

    Piggs posted: »

    my dad work at telltale lol

  • lead co-marketing designer

    Echopapa posted: »

    Seriously? As what?

  • She was pretty awesome in episode 3. Making Vallory's head spin was too good xD

  • That was like the best choice this episode (that and giving Sasha the flower). It was basically Fiona's version of [Blow his mind].

    She was pretty awesome in episode 3. Making Vallory's head spin was too good xD

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