Opinions on L**** L******** and others at Kings Landing?

What are your thoughts on Lyman Lannister?

I felt pretty sad about him being blanked by Tarwick and later scolded by Andros. He seems genuinely chill despite the family name. I for one, I hope we get to see him again. And obviously there's everyone else, like Morgryn who's apparently been cut out of Andros' partnership. Thoughts?


  • I wanted to be more nicer to him....But sadly, I had to play the game.

  • I feel like Lyman Lannister and Tommen Baratheon share the same genes. I just wanted Mira to take Lyman out of sight and give him a hug.

  • Gosh, I feel rather bad for not picking that option...

    HelloMyLord posted: »

    If you choose " I'm sorry about what happened to you " He will say " Andros was wrong about you , you're kind lady Mira "

  • If you choose " I'm sorry about what happened to you "

    He will say " Andros was wrong about you , you're kind lady Mira "

    I wanted to be more nicer to him....But sadly, I had to play the game.

  • He seems to be the only decent person in King's Landing. I told him I was sorry for what happened to him and it was nice to see him stand up to Andros. Poor dude deserved to catch a break.

  • What was even better was Lord Andros' face after that when he was talking to Mira, I wish I got a picture of it, it was priceless.

    Rock114 posted: »

    He seems to be the only decent person in King's Landing. I told him I was sorry for what happened to him and it was nice to see him stand up to Andros. Poor dude deserved to catch a break.

  • I thought he was going to burst a blood vessel and fucking die right there. Dat face.

    What was even better was Lord Andros' face after that when he was talking to Mira, I wish I got a picture of it, it was priceless.

  • I love her being all kinds of smug and calm. Don't fuck with simple handmaidens.

    What was even better was Lord Andros' face after that when he was talking to Mira, I wish I got a picture of it, it was priceless.

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