Glenmore Soldiers and Ironrath
At the end of Rodricks part in episode 4, you get back to Ironrath and its empty except for Talia and Ramsay in the great hall. So what exactly happened to the Glenmore soldiers if you left them at Ironrath? And what happened to all the towns people? It doesnt show any bodies and instead just shows a little blood and random arrows all over. What do you all think happened? And what is the scene at Ironrath if you choose to bring the soldiers with you to Highpoint?
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Telltale will be needing to animate some flayed corpses for next episode
I've been asking that in my thread. It's just as empty. No Whitehill soldiers, no Bolton soldiers, no Forrester soldiers, no Ser Royland (the one I chose to leave at Ironrath).
Can't remember any arrows or blood, but I should check that. But I'm thinking taking the Glenmore soldiers with me to Highpoint was a good thing. They're still accompanying me, and were with me at the scene.
If Telltale decides to stray from the TV canon, or if they want another funny non-canon Game Over, Ramsay can expect an arrow between the eyes.
The episode doesnt drop for me until tomorrow but on my playthrough im definitely taking the soldiers with me. Its just way smarter and I hope that actually means they are all alive next episode. But im still surprised everybodys missing, and no sign of Gryff either. Really worries me.
I was worried bringing Glenmore soldiers to Whitehill would upset the guy who just threatened the Glenmores into giving him their daughter's hand.
I think Ramsay now has Gryff, Elaena and the others captured to ensure that both Whitehills and Forresters work for him to get the ironwood weapons he needs (thanks to the traitor maester, who loves ironwood and gold, and curiously was the only person not present when the plans about getting Ryon back were proposed, and so the Whitehills didn´t see it coming...). Maybe the two families will have to ally against the Boltons soon.
I think you may have something there. I don't think we will have to unite against the Boltons, but I do think "that bastard" Ramsey is going to force the hand of both houses, and they are going to have to work a bit together.
Which is why I think what we do at King's Landing is going to have a big impact on the future. We will see though.
Yeah, "work a bit togheter" sounds more proper
I thought it'd be better to leave them there, so if Ludd just killed the shit out of me they'd still be there to protect Ironrath... But no, this game is a depression simualtor and you alwasy get screwed
So even if you leave glenmore soldiers at Ironrath everyone goes missing?