Why would ****** even care?
So just finished playing episode 4, and the one question I am left with and have had since the beginning really is, why would Ramsay even care about the Whitehills/Forresters or the ironwood?
I would've thought if any Bolton would worry about ironwood supplies it'd be Roose.
And besides isn't Ramsay still a bastard at this point? I maybe wrong as I could've got the time line mixed up, but Ramsay was legitimized and received a royal decree from King Tommen.... and in the same episode we know it's Tommen coronation. But as I said it's possible I am wrong here with the order of events.
So I'm loving the game but I just can't wrap my head around why Ramsay cares enough about this...
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It's mentioned that the Whitehills are unable to keep up with the demand for ironwood and Ramsay has probably been sent by Roose to ensure the ironwood quota is met
Ramsay still being a bastard is the errand boy for Roose. Seeing that the minor houses swear fealty out of fear is kinda his job at the moment. I think why he's at the Forrester's throats in particular is due to the amount of Ironwood they're capable of producing over the Whitehills. Roose Bolton as the new warden wants the best of the best and as soon as the Whitehills took control of all Ironwood Ironwood production slumped. I think this is the reason Ramsay has chosen to speak to Rodrik instead of raging warfare. He sees if he were able to get a steady production of quality Ironwood it would benefit the Boltons.
Because Telltale need a new antagonist... one we can't do shit to!
I really hope this is the case. I want to spin it like, "The Whitehills grabbed a ton of our ironwood against your orders, and repeatedly disobeyed your demands. Everything I did was just course correction. I would like to make things right, and have House Forrester be the sole provider of ironwood to House Bolton." I'm sure Telltale will make things difficult for me, but I hope that I'll be able to get out of this with my life and family intact.