WTF happened at Ironwrath?
WTF happened?! Where's everyone go and how did Ramsay get in?! Where are the Glenmore troops?
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WTF happened?! Where's everyone go and how did Ramsay get in?! Where are the Glenmore troops?
Please people offer your thoughts!!!
I was about to write down three or so theories here that i had but as I was writing them I thought of flaws in them, and now I have to admit I have no fucking clue.
Same man, I was so shocked to see Ramsay:/
Royland is a traitor. It is obvious.
He is always trying to voice towards aggression.. Even when it is suicidally stupid.. Seeing how he is a seasoned commander.. That is just odd.. As if to provoke the enemy in destroying the house/give a reason for them to legitimize them doing so.. Also.. It is known that their is a traitor in the house.. That and.. How the eff did those guards get inside with Ramsey @ the scene with Ethan if Royland was quote.. checking on the men and defences..(if you chose the other tactic, he still could of done something or had someone do something) And in the what comes next preview after episode 4 Roderick says something like "I can't believe I ever trusted him" when reading a letter.. That and.. Why would Gryff beat the shit out of the Maester if he was a willing spy? And the dialog leading up to it regarding fixing that man's hand.. Yeah.. Royland IS the traitor.. Or unlikely the Maester.. I say Royland somehow got word to Ramsey.. Let them inside, etc.. Yep.. Lets see telltale think of someone else now that i've solved this easy puzzle :P
See I didn't read far into the book/watch the show to know if Ramsay lives or not so I can't tell if he's a character that can't be touched or has it coming to him.
Saying that I feel I won't be able to read the rest of the discussion in this thread cuz spoilers
Ramsey lives far past that scene with Roderick in the timeline.. So yeah.. I hope nothing happens to Roderick regarding Ramsey.. Or his sister.. Cause the only one safe IS Ramsey.. According to the timeline established by the series which is based from the books.
P.S. To have Roderick die after everything would just be shit writing.. As I said in another post.. I also really like his younger sister
Pweeze let her be safe 
That can be accounted for..
He could of still gotten word out.. (even with all the dead ravons ..He prly would of been the one to do it anyhow.. one might even have been hidden away) And that could have all taken place in his absence.. He has even stated he has the respect of the men "they know i'm someone who can hold the reigns or crack the whip" As said to Ethan.. I'm sure he could of gotten someone to let them in. Or sabotaged something. That stuff with Gryff happened with time to spare prior to them leaving anyhow.. Maybe that stuff with Ramsey was already in the works.
As for being shocked.. Perhaps he doth protest to much?
And in a time of an uncertain future.. Having a pre-established relationship with the men.. I wouldn't put it past him convincing someone..
Except in the playthrough I watched, Royland accompanied Rodrik to the Whitehill residence and was just as shocked as everyone else when Ironwrath was deserted.
I'm thinking it could be Duncan, though not for nefarious reasons. Just to buy House Forrester enough time for Garred to find the North Grove.
Easy. The traitor let Ramsey and a contingent of troops in, they fought with the Glenmores, the Glenmores either got wiped out or retreated (I'm betting on the latter, perhaps Royland/Duncan/the Maester led them through the grove) and then either dismissed his troops or ordered them to chase after the Glenmores to set up his surprise for Roderick.
I highly doubt that to the extreme.. I don't even know how they would write that in to make sense..
Taking into account everything.. All Characters, lines of dialog.. No way..
Plus.. What good would it do to inform whitehill of their plans to save rhyon knowing that it would prly cost the lives of those who would go to rescue him.. What good would it do to open the gates and cause the deaths of all those inside during their efforts to take the place.. He is the most trusted.. Talia,Gregor,Garrid,The north grove, He knows all the secrets, and loves that house the most.. I just don't know how they would write that in.. He would either have to be the most two-faced evil bastard alive with no loyalties to the house or.. Even still.. Some of the advice he gave directly conflicts with the efforts made by the enemy.. to get ironwood, to get an excuse to rid themselves of the forresters, I could continue on in length for detail to support why it wouldn't be him, but..
If they did make it Duncan as the traitor.. I dunno.. There is no well thought out way to write that in.. Good intentions.. Full Traitor.. etc.. Even with good intentions.. HIs direct actions would have crippled the house, risked the life of rhyon, sacrificed their resources, caused deaths, etc.. He'd have to be a full traitor.. And as stated.. His advice would directly conflict against that.. For he would have equally made advice to work against them to the same degree..
No way to write it in counting the equal cons for both sides of being a traitor.. Full traitor or good intentions traitor..
The traitor left him in. (cough The Maester cough)
Royland is definitely not the traitor.
If you brought him with to Highpoint, and choose to attack -- he outright chucks an axe at Ludd's head. (it is hilarious btw)
IM GOING TO HAVE TO SEE THAT!!! Arthur Glenmore shot him in the neck with an Arrow in my playthrough.
Throw to miss? As in appearance of realism? (didn't see that scene myself)
There is also the option of him being Ramsay's Traitor.. And Ludd just gets what Ramsey tells him.. Thus his loyalties are to ramsey and ludd was just blowing hot air when he was going on about how "he" had a spy.. When it was really Ramsey.. Trying to appear bigger then he is.
That is also a possibility ?? It might explain why, if the traitor.. Royland has no direct loyalties to ludd?
It's not like Ramsey cares about anyone, haha..
I've seen the scene play out with Royland killing Ludd and when I brought Duncan I tried it just for shits and gigs, and he threw the spear as well. Which leaves me to believe it's gotta be the maester.
Not sure how he got in but I think I know what the also did. He heard about my deal to trade Gryff for Ryon so he killed Gryff so I couldn't make the trade and start a war. And the reason he wants that war is because HE'S A TOTAL PSYCHO!
Since everyone is saying that the traitor let him in, the traitor is the Maester. I chose Duncan as my sentinel and Royland to accompany me. Whoever the traitor is gave word to Ramsay Snow twice. The Maester has to know the history of the house, including any secret passages. There is obviously a secret passage.
No. He kills him, right between the's a great shot.
I also think the traitor is the Maester now and that he opened the gates.
Everybody is probably either being held in one place or have been flayed.
You guys think that Rodrik is gonna survive the Ramsay encounter, considering we see him in the next episode preview opening the letter most likely revealing the traitor? It's When he says " I can't believe I trusted him" it seems to me that that scene came after the Ramsay encounter.
Well, at least i brought the Glenmore soldiers with me and they havent disappeared when Ramsay arrived from nothing.
So did the scene with him and ramsay in the woods.. Still.. Ramsay is the only one who is safe.. Gosh.. I hope he doesn't die.. Or his sister.
Even though Ramsay is a dickhead.. Wouldn't it be funny if he manipulated Ramsay into a deal to destroy the whitehills? taking over, muahaha! Lol.. Granted.. at some point roderick will have to avenge ethan.. make your enemy think your close only to stab him in the back later :P i fully realize roderick won't be able to kill ramsay though... I don't think he is from the books.. a made up house :P Be cool if martin used them in the writing of his last books, hehe.. took from the material of the game.. oooooo drewl :P