What did ****** do with Gryff?

edited May 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Really curious because if he let him go back to the Whitehills or killed him the trade is off and the Whitehills will storm House Forrester and wipe them clean.


  • Your guess is as good as mine.

    Personally i think he is alive and still around, perhaps even locked up. Ramsay probably will mock/belittle him and it will be a turning point for the seemingly inevitable Forrester-Whitehill alliance.

    I think the Whitehills will support Stannis when the time comes because i think the Boltons will see them as incompetent.

    If i'm wrong it's most likely either Gryff is being held with everybody else or was sent back home. I highly doubt he is dead.

  • No Clue really. But I can assume they either brought them along with the prisioners/ corpses/ whatever.

    But really. I got no clue as this scene made no sense at all. No corpses anywhere, ramsay snow in ironrath when there is no way they could be at that time. Somehow information got to the Boltons in time about this, The entire Elite army gone, and the only one remaining is snow and talia in the whole place. Really. this whole episode 4 ending really made no sense at all. So, I would be more concerned with the fact that this "pull from under the rug" move they did made no sense, period.

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