GoT Episode 4 - Feedback

edited May 2015 in Game Of Thrones


Couldn't find any related thread. If one exists, please merge the posts here to there. Thanks.

I was very disappointed with the end. All my plotting and talking and you send Ramsey to AGAIN screw things up? Does he have nothing better to do, than to terrorise some family? It makes no sense that he always has to come and clean up behind the Whitehills. It's just annoying that you (TTG) nullify choices like that. The rest of the episode was okay.

Here is what I would like to see in the next episode:

  • I can tell Ramsey that the Whitehills have destroyed big parts of the forest and that their shields have cracks in them. They don't have the knowledge how to work ironwood and Ramsey should want "us" to be in control. And this can't happen with the Whitehills alive. One family has to go. So he should stop protecting them. Like this "we" can fight it out with them and regain control. Ramsey is a busy man and "we" want to proof our worth. He should give us the chance to win his benevolence, so that we can do our job and serve the Boltons and make sure that also Ramsey's children's children will still have ironwood. This resource is a strategic advantage the Whitehills know nothing about.
  • I don't want the Whitehill son Griff to come back. Ramsey should flay him for his faliure. That's what he does. Returning him to his father is not needed and Ramsey wants to make a point to the Whitehills as well. After getting rid of Griff, I don't want him to come back. It would just annoy me.
  • I would like to plant the murder weapon of the lannister guard in the Whitehill's trading guy's chambers (coal boy can do that). Then I would like to have an option to use the trading agreement with tyrion to either make the trade happen with the new young king (forgot his name) and the ex partner of the Whitehill trader OR BETTER I want to replace "my" family name with Whitehill and use this in combination with the murder weapon to implicate the Whitehill trading guy. Cersei hates Tyrion. She will never allow trading with the Whitehills, if her guards find both things in his room.

So I suggest you show the near downfall of the Whitehills in the next episode. They won't have much to lose and will want to destroy "us" in Episode 6. That's when the big battle is happening and we finally destroy them and serve the Boltons. Or you just make everyone angry by making "our" family fail and kill everyone, as Mr. Martin surely would.


  • I didn't mind him showing up again. It was obvious that the whole planning for making the exchange and then rebuilding Ironwrath was doomed from the start. I prefer them sending Ramsay to fuck shit up, rather then coming up with some other convoluted plot to ruin the Forrester's plans.

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