I told Lord Tarwick the truth because he's not a stupid man and will find out eventually, so I thought it was best to be honest with him so he'd be more willing to help me in the future. A lord's help can go a long way.
I told Lord Tarwick the truth because he's not a stupid man and will find out eventually, so I thought it was best to be honest with him so he'd be more willing to help me in the future. A lord's help can go a long way.
Eh, some people just don't like Sera, or don't like lying. Personally I wouldn't have done it, I felt too much obligation for everything she had done for me. I'm not going to pass harsh judgement on those that do, though, that's their choice. That's the game, after all.
I told the truth not out of malicious intent, but because I thought it would be helpful if he knew her real name. :v An action I now regret because I never knew bastards were looked down upon in Game of Thrones world.
I've had this belief from the very first episode that Sera isn't trustworthy, and while it's probably not true; I still don't trust her and don't particularly like her either. Plus, Lord Tarwick already had his suspicious and would eventually find out, so I thought I might be able to get some more info out of him if I told the truth.
I told the truth not out of malicious intent, but because I thought it would be helpful if he knew her real name. :v An action I now regret because I never knew bastards were looked down upon in Game of Thrones world.
I spent like 5 minutes on that choice and I really regret telling Tarwick about her real identity, but also if he were to found out on his own it could cause even more trouble for Sera.
I lied to him. Honestly Sera was my only ali at that point. And I wasnt about to lose her too.
I'd already screwed over Margery in multiple ways, I associated with Tyrion who had just killed Goffery. Plus there was the murder thing in the gardens and stealing the Ironwood agreement.
Like I was already in deep shit. Best keep the handmaiden and coal boy as help when I need it.
She really had just helped me two times in quick succession. She got me into the party, and then when Margaery arrived, she distracted her to keep me from getting caught. There is no way I could have justified not helping her with Tarwick. Heck, after she got me into the party, I was quick when Tarwick started flattering me to be like "Oh, but Sera is the most lovely of us all" because Sera had just done me a huge favor. Then she distracts Margaery. No possibility of me going all "Yeah, she is lying to you"
Its a videogame. calm down. I told the man the truth because i really dislike sera, also because i really enjoy being an asshole in all telltale games :U You don't play yourself, you play a fictional character. Being a reckless arse really makes the plot more interesting sometimes.
I don't think the people are horrible. I lied and still got my information. In my opinion, it is not my place to tell and Sera got me in the party so I owed her at least something
In my playthrough Sera pretty much hated Mira at this point because, trust issues.
But i begged her to let Mira in and she obliged stating that she owed her one. Seeing how forgiving and innocent she really was I thought Mira would have her back on the little lie, by repaying the debt and sticking to her word.
So what if he found out Mira lied to protect her friend, could you really hold that against her? was my train of thought
Sera is trying to convince her to forgive Mira.
This is what I remember:
Margaery: Mira is an unreliable handmaiden at best.
Sera: … moreMira would never do anything to hurt you I know she cares about you.
Margaery: Don't make the mistake of thinking people who care about you won't find a reason to betray you especially someone who has so much to lose.
Sera: you're talking about her family? No Mira Wouldn't..
Margaery: Everyone would remember that, you have no idea what desires lurk in her heart.
I have a feeling Tarwick will do much more than call Sera a liar when he finds out later. I lied for her but I would not want to be her when the truth comes out.
Technically speaking, if the game goes along with the show (which I'm positive it is, since it copied the actors), it wasn't Tyrion who killed Goffery. It was Olenna Tyrell (Margaery's grandmother) who did it because she didn't want her to marry him. I don't know if the game will go along with that though. She poisoned him with poison she got from Petyr Baelish and Littlefinger, and they helped her because they wanted power. The only part that's relevant is the whole "Tyrion didn't do it" thing, so they might not give that whole background. I don't know if they'll even excuse Tyrion and punish the others in the game, but that's what happened in the show. Just thought I should mention it.
The way I figure it.. Sera is one of the few allies that Mira has in King's Landing and I wasn't about to screw that up by revealing her biggest secret to the man she hopes to marry.
I leapt that the chance to repay Sera when I could. If you're not outwardly suspicious of her from the beginning, she's a sweet girl. And tbh, u want people trusting you because that's how you get away with underhanded stuff. That's how you play the viper in king's landing, not making it so people don't trust you, because then you don't get secrets to keep yourself safe.
example: lyman wouldn't have told you anything had you not mentioned his addiction, you don't know about his addiction until you convince someone to tell you, etc. etc. etc.
Its a videogame. calm down. I told the man the truth because i really dislike sera, also because i really enjoy being an asshole in all tell… moretale games :U You don't play yourself, you play a fictional character. Being a reckless arse really makes the plot more interesting sometimes.
I told Lord Tarwick the truth because he's not a stupid man and will find out eventually, so I thought it was best to be honest with him so he'd be more willing to help me in the future. A lord's help can go a long way.
What happens if you tell by the way?
He calls Sera a liar and says he has some arrangements to break, meaning he's completely done with her. But he also thanks you for your honesty.
Eh, some people just don't like Sera, or don't like lying. Personally I wouldn't have done it, I felt too much obligation for everything she had done for me. I'm not going to pass harsh judgement on those that do, though, that's their choice. That's the game, after all.
I told the truth not out of malicious intent, but because I thought it would be helpful if he knew her real name. :v An action I now regret because I never knew bastards were looked down upon in Game of Thrones world.
I couldn't do that to Sera.
First time I told him the truth but then I overheard conversation with Margery ....
What does she say? I missed that part
I've had this belief from the very first episode that Sera isn't trustworthy, and while it's probably not true; I still don't trust her and don't particularly like her either. Plus, Lord Tarwick already had his suspicious and would eventually find out, so I thought I might be able to get some more info out of him if I told the truth.
They're not looked down upon in Dorne (Prince Oberyn explains this, he has many bastards), but they are pretty much everywhere else in Westeros.
I spent like 5 minutes on that choice and I really regret telling Tarwick about her real identity, but also if he were to found out on his own it could cause even more trouble for Sera.
Yes, they would. They taught me not to lie.
I lied to him. Honestly Sera was my only ali at that point. And I wasnt about to lose her too.
I'd already screwed over Margery in multiple ways, I associated with Tyrion who had just killed Goffery. Plus there was the murder thing in the gardens and stealing the Ironwood agreement.
Like I was already in deep shit. Best keep the handmaiden and coal boy as help when I need it.
Haha are you serious? I told him. That's what she gets for being all smug and mightier than thou.
I did it for the lulz
(but only on my second playthrough)
I didn't tell. I tried to be a loyal friend.
If he found out anyways I could just talk my way out of it. And if he left her because of it, well just goes to show he's garbage anyways,
She really had just helped me two times in quick succession. She got me into the party, and then when Margaery arrived, she distracted her to keep me from getting caught. There is no way I could have justified not helping her with Tarwick. Heck, after she got me into the party, I was quick when Tarwick started flattering me to be like "Oh, but Sera is the most lovely of us all" because Sera had just done me a huge favor. Then she distracts Margaery. No possibility of me going all "Yeah, she is lying to you"
Sera Flowers:

Its a videogame. calm down. I told the man the truth because i really dislike sera, also because i really enjoy being an asshole in all telltale games :U You don't play yourself, you play a fictional character. Being a reckless arse really makes the plot more interesting sometimes.
Yeah, me too!
I don't think the people are horrible. I lied and still got my information. In my opinion, it is not my place to tell and Sera got me in the party so I owed her at least something
In my playthrough Sera pretty much hated Mira at this point because, trust issues.
But i begged her to let Mira in and she obliged stating that she owed her one. Seeing how forgiving and innocent she really was I thought Mira would have her back on the little lie, by repaying the debt and sticking to her word.
So what if he found out Mira lied to protect her friend, could you really hold that against her? was my train of thought
Sera is trying to convince her to forgive Mira.
This is what I remember:
Margaery: Mira is an unreliable handmaiden at best.
Sera: Mira would never do anything to hurt you I know she cares about you.
Margaery: Don't make the mistake of thinking people who care about you won't find a reason to betray you especially someone who has so much to lose.
Sera: you're talking about her family? No Mira Wouldn't..
Margaery: Everyone would remember that, you have no idea what desires lurk in her heart.
I have a feeling Tarwick will do much more than call Sera a liar when he finds out later. I lied for her but I would not want to be her when the truth comes out.
I got the feeling as well. He's trying a little bit too hard to get her. I bet he turns out to be rather horrible
Technically speaking, if the game goes along with the show (which I'm positive it is, since it copied the actors), it wasn't Tyrion who killed Goffery. It was Olenna Tyrell (Margaery's grandmother) who did it because she didn't want her to marry him. I don't know if the game will go along with that though. She poisoned him with poison she got from Petyr Baelish and Littlefinger, and they helped her because they wanted power. The only part that's relevant is the whole "Tyrion didn't do it" thing, so they might not give that whole background. I don't know if they'll even excuse Tyrion and punish the others in the game, but that's what happened in the show. Just thought I should mention it.
The way I figure it.. Sera is one of the few allies that Mira has in King's Landing and I wasn't about to screw that up by revealing her biggest secret to the man she hopes to marry.
i fucking hate Sera with a passion dude, even at the beginning(ep1)
I leapt that the chance to repay Sera when I could. If you're not outwardly suspicious of her from the beginning, she's a sweet girl. And tbh, u want people trusting you because that's how you get away with underhanded stuff. That's how you play the viper in king's landing, not making it so people don't trust you, because then you don't get secrets to keep yourself safe.
example: lyman wouldn't have told you anything had you not mentioned his addiction, you don't know about his addiction until you convince someone to tell you, etc. etc. etc.
And besides, there's no right/wrong choice