Bolton.... What?

Why do you think bolton is here, probably because of the ironwood that the whitehills cant provide. And also, in the coming next what do you think Rodrik read?


  • I imagine they found the paper in of his advisors quarters and it's a message from the Whitehills or Boltons.

  • edited May 2015

    Unlikely as it is maybe they've come to their senses? The Whitehills are supplying shoddy Ironwood products at a slow pace (evidenced by the fact that Ludd Whitehill tried to make you take over the burden for him) and they need the Forresters to take over.

    This would allow the game to give an excuse to let the Forresters declare open war on the Whitehills without having to worry about the Freys and Boltons interfering. (Two houses we know we can't hurt in this game.)

    Also I think Rodrik read something from the traitor.. maybe they took Gryff and fled?

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