It's Beskha, not Beshka!
I see this mistake SO OFTEN on these forums and it's starting to grate :P
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I see this mistake SO OFTEN on these forums and it's starting to grate :P
Nearly everyone from essoss I cant spell, including the name esoss/essos/essoss. Its part of the reason people call dany; dany.
Also sometimes I just type Beskha wrong
I actually read that Beshka in game at first and was wondering why Asher pronounced her name like that. x)
It's pronounced "Besh-ka", so I spell it Beshka. :v It's just easier in my mind.
Well, I don't play with subtitles, but before episode 4 I swear everyone pronounced it Beshka but in ep 4 Beska
Asher pronounces it "Besk-ha"
'Sk' linguistically can sometimes sound like 'shk', but I assure you it's always been Beskha :P
I swear every time I hear her name I hear "Beshka". 8D; Even when I listen to a video on Youtube best I can.
I'll confess... I have to double check the spelling of so many names (people and places, TV show and game) to make sure I get them right. Pretty sure I will never EVER be able to get Daenarys / Danerys / DannaioharogsaldfksnfRAGGGHHHH correct first go.
It's Daenerys, and her name always confuses me, I don't blame you.
It is indeed Beskha (k before h), pronounced Besk-ha.
That's why I just say Dany sometimes xD
Can I just say thanks so much for your writing on episode 4 Nicole (assuming you are the Nicole Martinez from the credits :P)! It's my favourite episode so far, ya did a great job imo
Eh whatever. They know who I'm talking about.
Though I hate when people misspell Elaena.
Aww thank you.
I have to give props to Brad Kane as well. He did a lot of writing on this episode. Glad you enjoyed it!
I thought it was Danaerys. Like Aerys but with a Dan in front of it.
But yeah, the Essossi names are the worst. When reading i just nickname everyone based on what i think of their character. It's more fun that way.
I give mad props to both of you, Mira's part was just epic.
Yeah, you two were great. I also very much enjoyed the work you and Brad did on The Wolf Among Us.
Brad wasn't on The Wolf Among Us, but thank you.
Doesn't really matter, but people do it with Rodrik too. They spell it Rodrick.
It's hard for me to hear it, I tell you. But I will try to correct myself from now on. 8D; Thank you for your input.
Just did a double take, my mistake. I was thinking of Joe Pinney. Regardless, great work on both games.
Yup, Besk-ha.
Pronouncing "Maester Ortengryn" and "Dezhor zo Raza" was initially quite a challenge for pretty much all the voice actors. :-P
I call them all Harzoo.
Like Thing 1 and Thing 2? Except with Harzoo? I like it!
You are all wrong. While it is spelled Beskha it is pronounced as "bad-ass"