I think I know why Ramsay is at Ironrath

edited May 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Alright, another theory (Suprise surprise) I was watching Cryaotic play Game of Thrones and when I watching the preview of the next episode, ANOTHER thing caught my eye, Ramsay saying "Ethan was the first Forrester I killed, doesn't have to be the last." Ok, hold onto that thought. In the episode, we have Ludd saying that Roose wants weapons faster than we can make them. So, if you're thinking what I'm thinking, the Whitehills are just a parasite to the Boltons, they know nothing about Ironwood and are just all round douches (Except Gwyn, she's cool) So, maybe instead of having to deal with the Whitehills, maybe Ramsay is at Ironrath to maybe assure that they can make Ironwood for the Bolton's Exclusively rather than having Ludd there to make things hard on them. I know it's a little farfetched, but I'm just making a Theory, a Game theory. Feel free to debunk my theory if you disagree :)


  • edited May 2015

    I agree to the extent the Boltons realize they're better off if they have the Forresters harvest all the Ironwood. I don't know if Ramsay's there exclusively for that purpose though, but that's probably a big part of it.

    OR they noticed we weren't making weapons and they're here to punish us even though that was Ludd's fault.

  • Sounds plausible, but it dosn't explain why Ironrath's apperantly been abandoned; regardless of Glemore presence.

    Why take Ironrath by force if you're there for talks? I get that Ramsey is completely unpredictable but, i don't know, that seems too crazy even for him. To me at least.

  • edited May 2015

    That's what I initially thought (Ramsay punishing us) but when I heard Ramsay say "Doesn't have to be the last." It lead me to believe the whole theory. Maybe I'm just overthinking this whole thing but, heyo lol.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I agree to the extent the Boltons realize they're better off if they have the Forresters harvest all the Ironwood. I don't know if Ramsay's

  • Hm, good point. Knowing Ramsay and his infamous reputation, could be possible that they all left out of fear of being flayed/killed. However, it doesn't explain the blood and arrows, unless the Glenmores tried to defend themselves but left after being overpowered.

    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    Sounds plausible, but it dosn't explain why Ironrath's apperantly been abandoned; regardless of Glemore presence. Why take Ironrath by fo

  • edited May 2015

    "Doesn't have to be the last" is a bad thing, saying the first Forrester he killed (Ethan) doesn't have to be the last, and implying that he could kill another Forrester.

    ISantCpell posted: »

    That's what I initially thought (Ramsay punishing us) but when I heard Ramsay say "Doesn't have to be the last." It lead me to believe the whole theory. Maybe I'm just overthinking this whole thing but, heyo lol.

  • It can go either way is what I meant to say. It could be a threat to make have them make Ironwood for them, but it can also be a threat to kill Rodrik. Now I'm sure I'm overthinking this. :P

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    "Doesn't have to be the last" is a bad thing, saying the first Forrester he killed (Ethan) doesn't have to be the last, and implying that he could kill another Forrester.

  • edited May 2015

    I can see that happening but, it begs the question. Who initiated the violence? Ramsey or the Glenmores?
    We still dont know for sure the Glenmores where just defending against attack. It could be some trigger happy Glenmore loosed the first arrow trying to make a name for himself; killing Rooses bastard. Hell it could've even be Talia herself who ordered them to attack as soon as she saw Ramsey, to Avange Ethan. As stupid as both of those possibilities would've been.

    ISantCpell posted: »

    Hm, good point. Knowing Ramsay and his infamous reputation, could be possible that they all left out of fear of being flayed/killed. However

  • I highly doubt Ramsay being there will mean anything good.

    I'm just super pumped for that dialogue with Ramsay it'll be interesting to see how Rodrik interacts with him especially since he knows he killed Ethan.

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