Something went wrong after installing ep 4 (PS3)

I installed ep 4 via the game. It downloaded and installed the way it should. But then when I went to Play it still said I had to buy the episode. On ep 3 I just downloaded and installed it, then went to play and I could continue the game.
Then when I went over to Episodes, thought the game maybe had to update whatever, but then I got a message asking me if I wanted to download and install ep 4, with Accept and Cancel. I chose Accept, but then the game froze on a black screen.
I forced the PS3 off and tried to open the game again, but then it just gave me a black screen, it had frozen.

Now I've deleted the GoT file and installing each ep via the Store instead.
Hope it won't mess up the game again.

If I hadn't already bought the season pass on the PS3, I would've bought it on PS4 instead. Wish we who had bought it on PS3 would've gotten it for free on PS4, hmpf.


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