Talia's task in Iornrath while at Highpoint?
Since this wasn't in the bonus choices, I thought I'd make a thread for this.
Before departing to Highpoint, Talia asks what she can do to help while we're away. What did you tell her to do? http://strawpoll.me/4525584
Be the temporary lord? Find the traitor? (or, if you didn't reveal the traitor to Elissa) Keep an eye on everyone? Hide in the Grove? Or said nothing?
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Told her to keep an eye on everyone
I told her to keep an eye on everyone.
Fuck this triple chain, even though I picked the same thing as them I'm just gonna say I told her to be the temporary lord.
I told her to keep an eye on everyone.
Interupting chains like
I named her lord while I was away in the chance we weren't coming back alive.
Be the temporary lord. I figured there was no point in having her risk her life running around looking for the traitor. (Although in the end I guess that didn't matter anyway.)
Told her to try and find the traitor.
I told her she was lord while I was away. Here's hoping she doesn't meet the fate of her twin. :v
Me too, but now I feel like I shouldn't, since we know what Ramsay thinks of good little lords
I told her to Hide if anything went wrong. Cause i'm psychic like that. But, no, i get back and she's just sitting there trying to entertain fucking Ramsay Snow. Bad Thalia. She better listen to me next time or I'm going to send her to be a Silent Sister.
I made her Lord while I was away. I'm hoping she organized getting everyone safely to the Grove before Ramsay got there.
I told her to rule in my stead. I think that made her feel good.
I told her she'd be the Lord.
Who knew if Rodrik was gonna make it out of Highpoint, afterall.
I think keep on an eye on everyone.
By the way, Iornrath lol.
I told her to find out who the traitor was.
I told her to find out who the traitor was and keep an eye out.