Which consoles would you buy MI for if it were available for them all?

Basically, if the game were released for every platform, which one(s) would you prefer to own?


  • edited July 2009
    i like xbox live arcade but this game isn't really set up for console control. that's why they chose the wii. if that natal thing makes point and click games more intuitive to play i say bring every telltale and and lucasarts clasic right on over. adventure games on console are like twenty hour long interactive movies. having everyone in the room trying to solve the problems is so much more fun.

    i remember having a group of six people all playing broken sword 1 on the ps1. it's great fun people just throwing out random idea's. that natal thing would mean upto four people could actually work the puzzles at once. without needing controllers.

    but it's all just pipedreams for now.
  • edited July 2009
    Darn it! I forgot to select 360.

    Oh well, PC, 360 and Other (Dreamcast!!!!)
  • edited July 2009
    PC of course
  • edited July 2009
    I wish I could get it for Super Nintendo.
  • edited July 2009
    Now remember If MI was on PS3 they could code it to be both on PS3 and PSP for once purchace price like they all ready do on Playstation Store.
  • edited July 2009
    PC and Wii
  • edited July 2009
    moo535 wrote: »
    i like xbox live arcade but this game isn't really set up for console control. that's why they chose the wii. if that natal thing makes point and click games more intuitive to play i say bring every telltale and and lucasarts clasic right on over. adventure games on console are like twenty hour long interactive movies. having everyone in the room trying to solve the problems is so much more fun.

    i remember having a group of six people all playing broken sword 1 on the ps1. it's great fun people just throwing out random idea's. that natal thing would mean upto four people could actually work the puzzles at once. without needing controllers.

    but it's all just pipedreams for now.

    You do realize that Natal is a great Idea!
    But in reality a ton of people will buy it then trade it in when they realize it is very much a gimmic.

    Example Natal for a racing game sounds AMAZING!
    But then you think about it.
    Would you really hold both of your hands in mid air moving them like a car while resting the weight of your arms and hands on nothing just midair for a few hours? How about 1 hour? Go ahead try it.
    It becomes not fun very fast and you start wishing you had a controler or game driving wheel in front of you.
  • edited July 2009
    PC & 360, but we all know PC will be its true home :)
  • edited July 2009
    I play MI 1-4 on my PSP all ready!
    Not the best video and not my video but shows MI3 working with Scumm VM.
  • edited July 2009
    The PC version of course, but if I had more money than ever needed in this adventure, I'd also get it for the Wii or DS. I think that point and click adventure games are pretty much misplaced on a console that has only a traditional controller.
  • edited July 2009
    Traz wrote: »
    Would you really hold both of your hands in mid air moving them like a car while resting the weight of your arms and hands on nothing just midair for a few hours? How about 1 hour? Go ahead try it.
    It becomes not fun very fast and you start wishing you had a controler or game driving wheel in front of you.

    Couldn't you hold a frizbee, or something? Considering the stupid Wiimote attachments, you can bet there will be a crapload of similarly ridiculous 3rd party Natal 'add-ons' come out.
  • edited July 2009
    we all know PC will be its true home :)

    ^ This. PC is where it began. PC is where it belongs. :o
  • edited July 2009
    It "belongs" everywhere. Or at least in as many places as technically possible.
  • edited July 2009
    Traz wrote: »
    You do realize that Natal is a great Idea!
    But in reality a ton of people will buy it then trade it in when they realize it is very much a gimmic.

    Example Natal for a racing game sounds AMAZING!
    But then you think about it.
    Would you really hold both of your hands in mid air moving them like a car while resting the weight of your arms and hands on nothing just midair for a few hours? How about 1 hour? Go ahead try it.
    It becomes not fun very fast and you start wishing you had a controler or game driving wheel in front of you.

    You just gave me a great idea for a new XBOX product! A contoured pillow that you place in your lap to rest your arms and keep them in the "driving position"! With embroidered XBOX logo on it. Only $19.95! :) I'm going to be rich!
  • edited July 2009
    jp-30 wrote: »
    Couldn't you hold a frizbee, or something? Considering the stupid Wiimote attachments, you can bet there will be a crapload of similarly ridiculous 3rd party Natal 'add-ons' come out.

    Yeah but that takes away at the entire idea of not needing any controler etc.

    Bah Natal is an old idea just look back to the Playstation 2 and the Eye Toy or how PS3 has Playstation Eye.


    COME ON MI come out allready!!
  • edited July 2009
    Only the PC. If it showed up on XBLA I'd play the demo out of sheer curiosity, but I simply wouldn't want to buy a Telltale game anywhere other than their store.
  • edited July 2009
    360, PC, DS, iPhone
  • edited July 2009
    PC & DS, it'd be great to be able to take it anywhere with you & play :)
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