Nevermind Ludd...

How do you think our decision of what to do with Gryff will affect our relationship with Gwyn? I think it's an interesting parallel that we're trying to get our little brother back and here we are (most of us) beating up/maiming hers. There's always the very real possibility she's messing with us and is a giant liar but she claims to want peace. I think she's gonna be pretty peeved and not exactly inclined to help us anymore if that really was her original intention.


  • edited June 2015

    Well he is her brother she clearly cares about him she won't be happy. I didn't maim him but I did hit him three times for payback for the beating I got when I stood up to him but I had no interest in killing him or seriously injuring him so I stopped. It is an interesting parallel you're right on that one.

    Fun fact: Ryon and Gryff are both Fourth borns.

  • I really want to trust her. But she never tells US enough.

    She tells us that there is a traitor - Great! Thanks Gwynn.

    She tells us to submit to Gryph - fine, i can see the sense in letting an enemy think he has beaten you. Even if it chafes.

    She tells us that theres a chance for peace - Awesome! I like peace too! But, at what cost?! I sure as hell am not going to put my family at the mercy of the Whitehills forever!

    Then we end up at Highpoint, trying to make peace. But, it sure doesn't seem like Ludd is really into this whole 'peace' idea at all. I mean WTF? He threatens us and offers us a 'peace deal' which really just amounts to the indentured slavery of our entire family, until further notice. There is just NO fucking way I'm going to help the family who ruined my House, got my little brother murdered, and Stole our Ironwood (when he was already Given half of it) to make themselves look better. Nor will i tell them any of our family secrets so they can steal our woodworking skills.

    So, i guess my question is where does Gwynn really stand? She keeps telling us we Must go along, but does she really know what she's asking of us? Is she just fucking with us? Is Ludd forcing her to interact with us in this manner?

  • Gwyn seemed surprised by some things Ludd said/did in the last episode.. I don't think she's as in-the-know as she claims and i've already disregarded her.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    she won't be happy I didn't maim him

    Woah, I didn't know she hated her own brother so much.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Well he is her brother she clearly cares about him she won't be happy. I didn't maim him but I did hit him three times for payback for the b

  • I agree with you there. She makes it seem like she can sway her father, but she obviously cannot.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    Gwyn seemed surprised by some things Ludd said/did in the last episode.. I don't think she's as in-the-know as she claims and i've already disregarded her.

  • edited June 2015

    Ignore, I misunderstood

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Well he is her brother she clearly cares about him she won't be happy. I didn't maim him but I did hit him three times for payback for the b

  • I think Gwyn wants the Whitehill and Forrester houses to work together. Does this mean you should trust her and think she is acting in the Forrester's best interest? I don't think so...all the info or diplomatic options she has given Rodrick are very safe and double-edged.

    Someone is a traitor in the small council but no info on who it is. (It's obvious who it is but she could have helped confirm it, since Gryff spills the beans anyway.) Put up with Gryff's crap even though it was insulting as could be...almost all the Whitehills want that. Don't bring the Glenmore soldiers with you and face a Red Wedding 2.0 type scenario with her being outraged that you did bring them. I mean it's not like the Whitehill's are the loyal bannermen of the House that helped carry it out or anything...

    I was pretty stunned that they thought nothing of it, when I recalled a discussion that no one would trust "Guest Rite" after the Boltons and Freys violated it so badly. The show does a poor job of showing this but the book's have the Manderlys and they deal with it just how you should deal with it. Rodrick bringing 20 men to at least make sure it's not a complete slaughter on his end is nothing in comparison.

  • I don't like Gwyn and I don't trust anything that comes out of her mouth. Being her fathers work slave is going to save our family? "Bitch no!

  • 1.) Rodrik Foresters

    2.) Asher Forester

    3.) Mira Forester

    4.) Ethan Forester

    5.) Talia Forester

    6.) Ryon Forester

    I'm just gonna leave this here...

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Well he is her brother she clearly cares about him she won't be happy. I didn't maim him but I did hit him three times for payback for the b

  • I meant she won't be happy if you maimed him and then said what I did.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    she won't be happy I didn't maim him Woah, I didn't know she hated her own brother so much.

  • I think the reason for this is that during the meeting at Highpoint Gwyn really thought, that submitting to her father is our chance to survive. In fact, if it wasn't for Glenmores and capturing Gryff, it would still be so. In my opinion, if we really make the trade, and without any hostages and with help of Glenmore's guard will be more or less equal with Whitehills, she'll consider an alliance. And of course she really stands with Whitehills. She wants peace, but isn't it obvious that she won't sacrifice her family for us? They are her family and it's totally fine with me that they mean a lot to her. Point is, she wants to help her family but she doesn't want to destroy our house in process.

    And when did Whitehills murder my little brother? Do you think that Ethan's death was their fault?

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I really want to trust her. But she never tells US enough. She tells us that there is a traitor - Great! Thanks Gwynn. She tells us to

  • Maybe they meant fourth born son?

    Chastity posted: »

    1.) Rodrik Foresters 2.) Asher Forester 3.) Mira Forester 4.) Ethan Forester 5.) Talia Forester 6.) Ryon Forester I'm just gonna leave this here...

  • I'm pretty sure they're only counting sons. Ryon would actually be 5th. Because twins.
    1. Rodrick
    2. Asher
    3. Mira
    4. Ethan and Talia
    5. Ryon

    Chastity posted: »

    1.) Rodrik Foresters 2.) Asher Forester 3.) Mira Forester 4.) Ethan Forester 5.) Talia Forester 6.) Ryon Forester I'm just gonna leave this here...

  • Gryff is also considered fourthborn even though he had three brothers and gwyn before he was born.

    Chastity posted: »

    1.) Rodrik Foresters 2.) Asher Forester 3.) Mira Forester 4.) Ethan Forester 5.) Talia Forester 6.) Ryon Forester I'm just gonna leave this here...

  • Yes, they count male and female children seperately. Mira is the Firstborn Daughter, Rodrik the Firstborn Son.

    Maybe they meant fourth born son?

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