Moonlight Falls (Sequel to Midnight Hollow) COMING LATE SUMMER 2015

This is set 20 years after Midnight Hollow. The story is focused on the large war between vampires and werecreatures. The leader of the vampires is a Lipitorio named Constantine Grigorov. The leader of the werecreatures is an alpha werewolf named Damion Cold.

This will only contain 2 main supernaturals to have as characters. There will however be different types of them. The vampire types are mostly based off of the vampire clans from Vampire: The Masquerade.

Vampire types

Gangrel: They are the only vampires to have claws and the ability to naturally shape-shift. When hunting for blood, they transform into a supernatural animal (strongly sharing the appearance of the vampire individual's spirit animal) and stalk their victim through whatever terrain they are in.

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Nosferatu: They have decaying flesh, pointed ears and fangs that either usually yellow or brown. After living in the sewers for centuries, they have adapted to feed on the blood of rats and are the first vampire breed to feed on a non-human. They hunt humans by lurking in the shadows and grabbing them when they are near to them.

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Sycrovian: They are completely insane and just straight up charge at their victims and feed. Their eyes become black like a shark when they sense blood.

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Lipitorio: They use methods of seduction to hunt and are said to have natural beauty.

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Bloodromancers: They use magic to trick humans into willingly offering blood to them. They are skilled sorcerers and experts at blood magic.

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Werecreature types

Werewolf: The most famous (or infamous) type of werecreature and are Jacks of all Trades in battle.

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Werebear: Immensely strong elephant-sized beasts.

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Werecat: Weak in normal fights but extremely stealthy.

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Werefox: Slightly stronger than werecats but not as stealthy.

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Wererat: The stealthiest and disliked by werecats.

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