* Telltale main character
* Telltale funny side character
* Telltale one episode character
* Telltale dead guy that I want back alive cha… moreracter
* Telltale dick character
* Telltale villian
* Another Telltale main character
* Telltale romantical interest
* Telltale second romantical interest
* Jesse
Come at me @Talimancer
Oh, oh I wanna guess-- I wanna guess these!
Telltale main character
Telltale funny side character
… more Telltale one episode character
Telltale dead guy that I want back alive character
Telltale dick character
Telltale villian
Telltale romantical interest
Telltale second romantical interest
A bunch of blocks from a over rated kids game.
Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil 4) - Could have been top 10 if it wasn't for RE6.
Alistair (Dragon Age) - Basically the same as Garrus, they were both always in my party in everyone of my playthroughs.
David (TLOU) and The Stranger (TWDG) - Antagonists in other games may have done more evil things but these two just creeped me out and made me feel a sense of urgency that I haven't felt with other bad guys.
Herbert Wallace (Nightmare Creatures 2) - Pure nostalgia.
Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot) - More nostalgia.
Ratchet and Clank (Ratchet and Clank) - Ultimate heroes.
Lol You are not alone. We are a select few. But a proud few.
One and only sasha
Edit: I removed the photos because they were too big
Aside from the first and second, none of these are in order.
1.) Michonne - The Walking Dead Game: Michonne Mini series
2.) Sasha - Tales From The Borderlands
3.) Asher Forrester - Game of Thrones
4.) Kate Marsh - Life is Strange
5.) Rochelle - Left 4 Dead 2
6.) Lilith - Borderlands
7.) Emily - Until Dawn
8.) Tess - The Last of Us
9.) Pierce Washington - Saints Row 2/3/4
10.) Lilly - The Walking Dead Game
Honourable mentions are:
Rhys and Fiona - Tales From The Borderlands
Carley - The Walking Dead Game
Shaundi - Saints Row 2/3/4
Come at me @Talimancer
Oh, oh I wanna guess-- I wanna guess these!
A bunch of blocks from a over rated kids game.
Dingdingding! You are correct!
Eh I'll probably make a serious one tomorrow if I feel like it I dunno
Handsome Jack
Customisable characters
I only have 5 because I'm a lazy fuck.
1: Joel/Ellie TLOU
2: Lee/Clem TWD
3: Booker Elizabeth Bioshock infinite
4: Jackie/Jenny The Darkness
5: Joker/Batman Arkham games
6: Jimmy Hopkins Bully
7: John Marston Red Ded
8: Nathan Drake Uncharted
9: Lara Croft Tomb Raider
10: Jodie Holmes Beyond two souls
Holy shit doing this on mobile was a pain in the ass
I know I posted here a long time ago, but I wanted to update my list.
10: Dante (Devil May Cry)
9: Zant (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
8: Warren (Life is Strange)
7: A tie between Springs and Athena. (Tales from the Borderlands, Borderlands The Pre-Sequel)
6: Link. (Wind Waker specifically, since he has the best personality.)
5: Loader Bot (Tales from the Borderlands)
4: Eddie Dumbrowski (Silent Hill 2)
3: Miles "Tails" Prower. (Sonic The Hedgehog series)
2: Lara Croft. (Tomb Raider)
1: Cheryl/Heather Mason (Silent Hill, Silent Hill 3, Shattered Memories and Book of Memories regrettably)
Clementine (Telltale's The Walking Dead)
![enter image description here](http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/thewalkingdead/images/0/02/Ep._03_Cap.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120911140817&path-prefix=es)
![enter image description here](http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/walkingdead/images/0/0f/NGB_Clem_Outside_Wellington.png/revision/latest?cb=20140915024048)
Ellie (The Last Of Us)
![enter image description here](http://www.busygamernation.com/Windows-Live-Writer/GrrlGotGame---I-beat-The-Last-of-Us.-We_1295A/maxresdefault%5B1%5D_8cce58b7-d174-4a1c-b66b-78b8e8459c0d.jpg)
John Marston (Red Dead Redemption)
![enter image description here](http://cdn2.gamefront.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/gta5-25rdr.jpg)
Big Boss (Metal Gear Solid)
![enter image description here](http://download.gamezone.com/uploads/image/data/1176727/MGS_Big_Boss.jpg)
Joel (The Last Of Us)
![enter image description here](http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/0/0b/The-last-of-us_joel_bio-2-.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130915132528)
Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect)
![enter image description here](http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/d/dc/GarrusME200.png/revision/latest?cb=20100307064656)
Lee Everett (Telltale's The Walking Dead)
![enter image description here](http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140111070152/walkingdead/images/b/bd/NTL_Glass_Shard.png)
Sub Zero & Kenshi (Mortal Kombat)
![enter image description here](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/SNP0EEaCvUA/maxresdefault.jpg)
![enter image description here](http://www.davesmk.net/wp-content/themes/dmk/img/mk10/warriors/skins/kenshi_default.png)
Yoshimitsu (Tekken)
![enter image description here](http://tekkenzone.tripod.com/tekken3/characters/yoshimitsu.jpg)
Wander (Shadow Of The Collossus)
![enter image description here](http://images-cdn.moviepilot.com/images/c_fill,h_311,w_597/t_mp_quality/te2djufric8ymr9lmdif/is-wander-the-villain-in-shadow-of-the-colossus-455098.jpg)
Honourable mentions
1. Lee Everett (The Walking Dead Season One)
2. Mira Forrester (Telltale Game of Thrones)
3. Crash (Crash Bandicoot)
4. Agent 47 (Hitman)
5. Chuck Greene (Dead Rising 2)
6. Athena (Tales from the Borderlands and Borderlands)
7. Yu Narukami (Persona 4)
8. Ayano Aishi (Lovesick: Yandere Simulator)
9: Kate Marsh (Life is Strange)
10. Ethan Mars (Heavy Rain)
I'll do honorable mentions later.