Quick thought

Since Jack despises Pandorans, and Fiona despises Hyperions, maybe depending on who you trust, either August or Vasquez will die?


  • Do you think Fiona would actively kill Vasquez, though?

    I mean, Jack would wipe August off the face of the planet just for the lols (and probably Vasquez, hell, probably the entire cast other than Rhys - who would only survive because he physically needs him alive)...

    Also, wouldn't Fiona be more likely to target August since he's the one holding Sasha hostage?

  • clap-tpclap-tp Banned
    edited June 2015

    pretty sure thats not going to happened, but come on SOMEONE is got to die otherwise this whole scene with august and vasquez is pointless unless all they was looking to achive with this is a cliffhanger

    edit: ment to comment to the original post

    Do you think Fiona would actively kill Vasquez, though? I mean, Jack would wipe August off the face of the planet just for the lols (and

  • August gotta die... he gotta... he touched and threatened Sashaboo... Rhys is gonna be pissed... He takes care of his true love!

    (waiting for hate)

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