I would like to express my displeaure
I find this telltale game to be terrible. My choices don't seem to matter at all. I have spent hours trying to change the events of the story and it all seems to come to the same place. I saved Bowen and he disappears never to be heard from again. All my dealings with Tyrion have seemed to of done nothing. Not even caused the slightest bit of dialogue. And the worst part of the game is I bought it unfinished. Without a single warning. I can't even seem to find a schedule of when the new episodes will be out. If they even will be finished. This was my first impression of your games and I find myself disappointed and feeling like I wasted my money. I don't know if this just happens to be a bad game or if the other one I bought, Borderlands, will be a fantastic game. Anyway I just wanted to express my displeasure and I hope borderlands will be better.
Guess what, that one is unfinished too
That's nice. My life is better now. Okay, bye.
I'm sorry, but I have to wonder. If you don't like the fact that this game is episode based, why on earth did you buy Borderlands? You realise that all of Teltale's games are episode base right?
For the record I'm sorry that this game has disappointed you and I hope you are able to find another game that meets your expectations more closely.
No I just hate that it is unfinished. I didn't know it was incomplete. I also bought both at the same time. They both were on sale and I heard great reviews.
They're... both... unfinished? And Borderlands is releasing episodes far slower...
It also depends on what you class as finished, because technically both season 1 and season 2 of The Walking Dead are "complete"; however when season 2 ends it just doesn't stop there, the story will continue in season 3..
If you want to play a couple of Telltale games that have completed seasons, then I suggest you take a look at The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us.
I am okay with complete seasons. It is in my experience though that unfinished games don't usually get finished. I have bought enough greenlight games to make me paranoid of any and all unfinished games.
But this is Telltale? They don't leave games unfinished.. like... ever? They're quite a big company, y'know... not a small few-person team on greenlight.
All Telltale games are Episodic. Usually the next episode come out 6-8 weeks after the last. Sometimes it takes longer, as they are developing and changing things, tweaking, right up until the releases. But usually about 2 weeks before the episode is to be released, they will post an announcement and screenshots on the blog here. Then within the final week before the episodes release, they usually post a trailer for it.
I'm not sure whether or not you bought the Season pass or just the first episode of GOT, but there are 4 of the 6 planned episodes released so far, but you will need to download them all individually from the Episodes screen menu in game. I'm sure that you are aware that some characters like Tyrion, and Ramsay Snow, etc. are also in the HBO show. This, unfortunately means that we the player have limited influence in certain plot points because no matter what these show characters do to US, we can't do much to them.
I find that i like the game more and more as it goes on, and most of those characters don't interact with us too much. But when they do, i find it adds to a feeling of futility and frustration in dealing with the Forresters situation that is entirely true to the world as well as to the situation that we find our characters in.
I think we are meant to find that some of our decisions will have no effect on those around us, that some decisions that seem the best will have the worst effects. That doing what seems to project weakness, may hide an unbreakable strength of character. I think that the story that Telltale is playing out fits the World of Ice and Fire perfectly, even with it's imperfections. I can't tell you how many times i screamed at my books while reading because i couldn't believe the shit that was happening to some of the more innocent characters, no matter what they did to prevent them. Or what some of the less innocent ones were doing to others, for no apparent reason at all - I'm looking at you Ramsay! I guess it just makes sense to me that everything would be going wrong for the Forresters at this point in the ASOIAF storyline. Everything is going wrong for everyone right now! Lol!
Anyways, I hope you give it another shot, friend. Sorry you didn't have the best first Telltale experience
With regards to Tales from the Borderlands, i absolutely love it! I think it's super hilarious, and i really enjoy the switching back and forth between Rhys and Fiona. There are 2 of 5 planned episodes of it out now, and the 3rd will be out the week of june 23. Just FYI, TftB is one game where i would recommend having more than one save, because there are definite different ways things can play out based on your decisions. And they're pretty much all amusing as hell!
What a joke, do your research before buying a game. The fact that not all episodes are out is written everywhere.
I don't really know about how creditable they are since I haven't played most of there games. Also, big companies can abandon a project just as easily. However, I am sure I will find out if they finish it or not.
That's not very nice
It's their first Telltale, don't be a hater.
Big companies cant abandon their games when people have already paid the full price for it, otherwise they're scamming. You dont need to pay their games to know they're credible, just research them.
Well thanks for not being an asshole. I read the books of a song of fire and ice and am familiar to the tv series. I don't know if I like the futility of it. It works great for the books and the TV show but those are stories were you are suppose to listen. A game is something you interact with trying to cause change. Or for me it is. Anyway thanks. I am going to try out borderlands and hope its as fun as it seems.
It is as fun as it seems
You're welcome! Happy gaming
I know, but I couldn't resist.
I hope you didn't cut yourself on my edginess.
Minor scrapes, i think i'll recover
this is taken from the steam store page and i'm pretty sure it says the same thing for everywhere else that sells it
that is your warning as soon as you see that you should research to see if everything is out
But... I love this game
He's new to this!
Ok you buy an episode from an episodic game company that you claim to be unfinished.... And you've said you've played other Telltale Games...?
I pity the people here with zero-self respect posting in this thread thinking they're being clever.
Although saying 'I hope borderlands is better' isn't very smart unless you plan to stop buying tag games after that
Me too AgentZ46, me too! But i can see how it may not be for everyone
I agree with OP.
There are no determinant characters or anything. Telltale's Game of Thrones feels like a broken video game where your inputs don't mean anything. I don't even feel like a character in Westeros. I feel more like an outside observor of the story a.k.a a television viewer. Even The Walking Dead Season 2 did a better job than that of creating the illusion of choice.
The story is decent but having a decent story isn't enough to make a game stand on its own. There has to be meaningful gameplay as well.
I hope when Telltale does Season 2 of Game of Thrones, they get a better team developing it. The current team just doesn't seem to have done a good enough job.
Woah, this community is so helpful and friendly. I'm impressed.
Anyways, OP, you got at least one decent answer earlier. Just know that the newer Telltale games are more on the interactive movie end of the spectrum. You're right, some choices don't matter, don't even change the dialogue much, but some really alter the way the story takes. For the rest it's all about the illusion of choice, you only think you have an effect on the story (= tailor the story, not control it). For some people this is enough, for some it's not. I guess you just found out, you're not satisfied with illusions.
Prepare for a long wait for the remaining episodes of TftB or just play it once the season is finished.
Play The Walking Dead Season 1 and The Wolf Among Us.They're my favorite telltale games and both happen to be on sale at steam!TWD is -50% and TWAU is -75%.You know what's better?!They're finished!
P.S:If you don't have enough money to afford both of them,I recommend you buy TWD S1.Trust me,you won't regret it
I was nervous about episodic games also, so I got TWD 1&2 and The Wolf Among Us both on Vita after the full season was released. I really liked them. Waiting is killing me. But the wait is much shorter than my wait for Book 6 from GRRM LOL Patience...
To be fair none of the characters in this game feel like they belong in the world of game of thrones they feel more like the standard telltale characters placed in westros.
IMO its one of there best, TFTB being a little better, i've enjoyed these games much more than i did with walking dead season 2 and wolf amoung us
I think "unfinished" is the wrong word to use. It's episodic. It's not going to stay unfinished- it never does and it never will. Borderlands is the same format at Game of Thrones, but the story and feeling of it are completely different. This is definitely more of a drama whereas Borderlands is more of a comedy-based game. I can understand your frustration with the episode-release schedule, but the thing is that there really is no schedule. I can tell you something completely certain though, and that is that every episode (no matter what game it is) will probably be released around a month to (at most) a month and a week or so for a new episode. I hope that this helped a little bit.
I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your first Telltale experience!
Unfortunately, there tends to be a lot of misinformation about Telltale if you don't do proper research into their company. Telltale's games are episodic, meaning they don't release or even create the game all at once. The players choices (the percentages calculated at the end of each episode) are used by Telltale in order to effectively place where the majority of the players are. Do players overwhelmingly dislike a certain character? Then they'll most likely try to develop that character further in order to help players sympathize with them. Small details like this help the writers carve out a better story.
As for making decisions that supposedly never matter, it depends on your outlook. Telltale promises that the game is tailored to your choices - it doesn't necessarily change the endgame. It's better to think of it as, yes: the plotline still goes from A to B to C. But how do you get to B? Are your characters kind, patient, and merciful? Or are they hot-headed, manipulative, and cold-hearted? What relationships do you keep, and which do you burn? It's a story that's personalized, as opposed to creating your own whole game.
Telltale's style isn't for everyone, but I recommend that you keep going with it.
Or at least trying another one of their games. The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us are good choices.
The only opinion that matters is your own. I love the game too btw.
Do research before you make a purchase on a game,
I have always said that Telltale games are better at player responsibility than focusing on branching narratives. In terms of shaping your main character and player responsibility, your choices do matter.
Telltale will never leave one of their games unfinished. Like literally ever. They won't even not follow up an announcement that was made 2 years ago like the Marvel one. I have complete faith that in 2017, the Marvel Telltale game will be released, and completed.