Least favourite living show characters (s5)

So after the finale of season 5 who are the remaining ones you cant stand, as major or minor as you like

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UGH, On top of being part of the horrific dorne sub plot this disney villan needs to go. Murdering children, endangering family members and causing utter chaos. I cant find one likeable trait about her.

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Actually now I think Ellaria does have one positive she isnt the sand snakes. Terrible dialogue, terrible acting and all the same issues with ellaria to boot. Young snake is tolerable but middle and older snake need to go ASAP.

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One positive from the ending is the death stares stop. I dont care who kills this kid but someone needs to.

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Miserable old fool has outstayed his welcome

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Didnt have an opinion in the book, straight up hate him in the show

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More that I just hate mereen period Get out of that horrid city


  • Ellaria < Olly < Alliser Thorne < Ramsey < Meryn Trant (ded) < Cersei < Stannis (oh wait he is dead, MAHAHAHAHHA)

  • Ellaria needs to fuck off. It's not just that she's a Disney villain, she's not an entertaining Disney villain. It's especially annoying cos Dorne probably isn't going to go anywhere after this, so it's like the shitty subplot is depriving us of a potentially good subplot.

  • I don't really hate any characters I really enjoyed Mereen this season to my surprise, the Sons of the Harpy are great. My only real issue with Dorne was we didn't see enough of it I liked it but it was too short and there wasn't enough I really like Doran Martell.

  • It kinda seemed like it was just there to deal with the Myrcella thing they set up in Season 2, and won't have any more bearing on the story.

    (unless Trystane=Griff, which would be a legit surprise).

  • edited June 2015

    Don't like the boy(forgot his name), what has Jon done to him? Alliser, I can understand, he hates Jon from the beginning, but this boy is just...
    Others are okay to me, not liking them, but doesn't feel too annoyed of them either.

  • Olly. He's the only character I don't like. I care nothing for him. Unlike Ramsay And Ellaria who I actually like (like to hate )

  • Brienne of fucking tarth

    First she kills The Hound

    Then she kills Stannis and claims that Renly was the rightful king

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  • ramsay, Ramsay RAmsay RAMsay RAMSay RAMSAy RAMSAY! RAMSAY!! RAMSAY!!! Oh, did I say Ramsay! Because FUCK HIM!

  • edited June 2015

    I dont hate Ellaria, I can totally understand her wanting to revenge Oberyn and kill the Lannisters. Jaime and Cercei (and Joffrey ofc) did some really bad things (I really had hoped that Jaime will die during the fight with Sand Snakes). But I dont know what to think about her for killing Myrcella. She was a nice, young and innocent girl, but with the wrong name. Ellaria should have kissed Jaime. Now Doran will have some trouble. I just hope that Jaime realises that it was Ellaria who poisned his daughter and wont kill Trystane or go into war with Doran.

    And I dont hate Olly either. Killing Igrid was a good move, dont know why so many people hated him because of that. She was an enemie within the walls and wildlings killed his family. And if that wasnt reason enough he saw her aiming for Jon Snow, so he killed her to save Jon. I just think many people liked her and wanted to see more of her. I was shocked when Olly and the others killed Jon. Even in the moment he killed Jon I wasnt mad at him, just sad how things turned. And yeah, that was a really stupid move of him. But Jon was dead either way. We will have to wait and see if Olly regrets things or shows other feelings about Jons death. He is still a kid after all, but killing Jon was definetly stupid. At the moment I neither like or hate him.

    First I didnt liked Daario Naharis, he seemed an evil sellsword who kills everyone for the right price. I didnt trusted him in season 3 and even the entire season 4. But when he fought togehter wir Jorah and Tyrion against the Sons of the Harpyie I began to like him. And in the last episode when he and the others talked about what to do about Daenarys I saw how he really is. I think hes a good guy and Iam eager to see him in season 6.

    The people I really dislike which are still alive, are Jaime (for what he did to Bran and the Starks in general), Cercei, Ramsay and Roose for killing so many people I liked (Catlyn, Rob, Ethan Forrester, Stannis indirectly) and Alliser Thorne. I really began to like Alliser during the battle against the wildlings. And I always had the feeling that Jon and Alliser could at least be good "brothers" for each other, since Jon made him first ranger. But after the last scene of season 5 I hate him. And Iam sure Ghost or Jon himself will kill him next season. But what about Davos? If Jon doesnt come back can Alliser just throw him out or maybe do even something worse to him, since he was with Stannis which let Jon decide what to do with the wildlings?

  • edited June 2015

    There are only two people I REALLY hate:
    2.: Ellaria.
    1.: Daenerys!
    Dang, I can't stand that SJW-I'm better than anyone else-face! Bah!
    (And well, maybe Cersei, but that's pretty abvious I think.)

  • The High Sparrow and his big dumb cunt nun

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