The Wildlings (Season 6 Predictions)

So. Jon's dead...though it is possible that he may be resurrected. Whether or not this will be the case, there is still one glaring issue:

The wildlings that are now inside the wall, and I can assume that they are starting to settle in their farmlands. Stannis and his forces have been decimated, leaving the Boltons to maintain control of the North. I fear that the wildlings will now come under attack by the Boltons.

There is one possible alternative...should Theon and Sansa survive their gravity experiment, Theon may put the Free Folk into contact with the Greyjoys, providing enough numbers to give the Boltons a fight.

I also strongly suspect that the Free Folk will not take Jon Snow's death lightly. Tormund spoke highly of him, and when the Free Folk discover that he was murdered by his own men, they will realize just how far Jon was willing to go to save their lives. They will honor their agreement, I think. They'll fight the Night King when he comes, if for no other reason than to spite the crows.'d be a touching moment, should the creator's decide that Jon would remain dead.


  • I hope Tormund kills those filthy fucking mutineers.

  • The wildlings are still stuck in Castle Black. Farmland was promised to them as long as they agreed to join the fight and defend the Wall when the time came. If Jon stays dead, then I expect there to be turmoil at the Wall, possibly leading to an all-out war for control of it.

    There's one thing I do know, though -- the Wall is coming down at some point.

    As far as Theon goes, D&D's writing is so predictable that I wouldn't be surprised at all if they have him overthrow and/or kill Ramsay.

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